Friday, August 13, 2021

Infrastructure bill's passage a big win for Biden, a big loss for Trump

Infrastructure bill's passage a big win for Biden, a big loss for Trump 

The big victory was for moderates, which include Biden. What he did behind the scenes is unknown - however I bet that Schumer and McConnell also tacitly encouraged a compromise that they could not openly endorse until it was done. Donald Trump, a few dozen progressive activists, commentators on both MSNBC and Fox News are entertainment - perhaps even astroturf. 

At the end of the day, such entertainment means little to the policy process for all but the most cynical of members of Congress. A few weeks in a congressional office mail room shows exactly how much influence astroturf rabble rousing has. Their only impact was the fact that Trump was a Fox News devotee while president. Rookie mistake. 

I am currently editing my book on The National Debt as Class Warfare. I have tables on who pays how much in tax by class. One third of filers pay not tax at all and another third pay a pittance. There are better ways to extract money (while still holding the poor harmless). Like most astroturfers, no one is listening to me either. Or MSW.

There are two ways to get money from the people who have money. You can tax them or you can borrow from them. People who pay no taxes will not pay back much of the debt - which is allowed to balloon because we have a stable income tax. In the long run, paying the interest on the debt is the out of control item. The people who pay it actually own the bonds. The only problem with this is that this bond ownership backstops capitalism. The source of inequality is bad math. We give percentage raises rather than equal dollar raises. In 50 years, this has consequences - almost entirely unintentional. 

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