Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Links: Afghan 'arrangements'; a hopeful climate story; bring back Catholic labor schools

Links: Afghan 'arrangements'; a hopeful climate story; bring back Catholic labor schools 

No one controls all of Afghanistan. They have subsidiarity down to a science. Their best hope was if we had signaled to Iran to take over all the way to the Pashtun border, with the Pakistani taking Pashtun and Uzbekistan and Tajikistan taking their enclaves.

Blame Capitalism for the decline in the White population. Also bad math in giving people raises. If everyone gets an equal percentage raise, prices chase the middle class and the poor get poorer. End welfare as we know it and the White birthrate plummets.

Wilkinson is telling people what they want to hear.The natural ecology of California is incapable of sustaining a population that size. The silliest idea ever is living in a forest that is likely to burn.

Like forests, fire is necessary in politics to burn out the deadwood. Texas on fire is the solution, not the problem.

Catholic labor schools had one flaw: Catholic doctrine does not support the right to strike. Oops. If they bring them back, they should start with training Catholic school teachers. Oops again. Doing this would force an examination of the rights of Church workers to support the right to choose and marry a spouse of the same sex. Triple oops. The Church simply cannot handle the truth. It interferes with organizational values and cohesion.

The age of the founders is a lesson in not counting out Bernie's Millenials in current politics. Long live the Squad.

Art is always a part of cultural criticism, like apocalyptic prophesy and other forms of comedy.

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