Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Links: Critical race theory, culture wars and dog cuddling

Links: Critical race theory, culture wars and dog cuddling 

The pro-life hysteria is showing its irrelevancy. They are trying to look busy and children are dying because of it. It is good that she hinted at the principle of the double effect.

I hope that the AFL-CIO can get buy-in from the bishops on the President's proposals on the Child Tax Credit. Expanding the credit is the only pro-life solution that will actually work.

New York will be able to mange sea level change. The entire state of Florida will simply go away. There is simply nowhere that they can shunt the water to. They have no lower or higher ground.

Dogs are an emotional support animal for a reason. They also make you take a walk when you are old.

I would say that we have made progress, but in much of the world, religion is still blood sport. That includes enforcing atheism. People pick gods that resemble themselves and most people are nasty. That includes 4th Century Christians - whose personal sexual issues have been a burden to the Church for 16 centuries.

That cultural leaders capitalize on the desire for violence (whether it be Mao or Trump) is endemic. Sometimes, of course, it is the leaders who are particularly blood thirsty. They merely strike a chord. 

Fights over education (and as importantly, the color of who their children date) are endemic in America. These serve the interest of those who seek to divide the working class. As long as there have been conservatives, this has been a thing.

Pandering over abortion rights shows how much sex is a driving force in politics. Political contests have zero impact on the legality of abortion. We do not vote on civil rights. No one will say that, because that would involve giving up free money and motivated volunteers. 

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