Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Vatican throws wet blanket on U.S. bishops who want to deny Biden Communion

Vatican throws wet blanket on U.S. bishops who want to deny Biden Communion 

Bravo to the Prefect, although I suspect those who would deny Biden Eucharist are now hopping mad. Expect quiet condemnation from them and public condemnation from the Catholic Republican Press. 

One correction, the problem is not that the bishops mentioned are conflating the Church with the pro-life movement. They are conflating the Church with not only the Republican Party, but also with Donald Trump. I wonder how the frequent Mass attendees will react to this - or to the imminent prosecution and bankruptcy of their hero (which is essential for the survival of the Republican Party or one like it).

When the Conference serenely discusses the issue (why can I not stop laughing), they need to be quietly but forcefully informed of the nature of Constitutional Law on this issue, as well as the need to pursue economic means to end the need for abortion (and even contraception). The interesting fact is that in most nations, abortion limits are allowed by the basic law, so what the bishops suggest may be appropriate. They are not appropriate in the United States.


The reality is that these bishops were not concerned so much with abortion as with the fact that Biden was defying their Republican views on how to end it. They were defending their Authority, not the unborn. They still believed that the Americanist heresy (that a society with freedom of thought need not be expected to obey the hierarchy in all things) must be fought. 

Since Vatican II and Dignitatis Humanae, freedom of thought is the rule, not the evil. These bishops hate that idea. Francis essentially told them to shove it. Also, Francis has ended the idea of the infallible Magisterium by simply never using the term We when he writes. A subtle change that means everything.

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