Friday, May 28, 2021

US bishops ignore Vatican letter on Communion in an astonishing way

US bishops ignore Vatican letter on Communion in an astonishing way 

Gomez and company are not too smart. I suspect they still believe that Adam and Eve were actual people. They are certainly ignorant of constitutional law and no one is willing to correct them. As I have been saying for years, it is on Biden to do so - first privately and then, if they persist in their error, publicly. 

If they want to discipline anyone with loss of Communion, discipline those Catholic employers who neglect to pay their employees a living wage (meaning that they supplement any child tax credit so that each child has the same basic standard of living as the boss' children). The bishops can start in-house on that one. No employee of the Church should have to drive an Uber to make ends meet.

One final point, if the bishops wish to show they are not up to the task of collegiality, Cardinal Advisor O'Malley should be given a more robust role, becoming a virtual Patriarch, if not the actual one.

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