Thursday, May 6, 2021

Links: Corporations and politics; reuniting families; the 'big lie' continues

Links: Corporations and politics; reuniting families; the 'big lie' continues 

If campaign finance is speech, then care must be taken to what is being said. The irony is that the new restrictions on mail-in voting are the GOP shooting itself in the foot. Great fun.

Unions need to focus on better toys. Before they put a big present under the tree, they need better stocking stuffers. When an Amazon worker makes $15 an hour and gets educational benefits, they will gladly work harder for the money. Labor could report bad conditions to OSHA, but workers may not see this as a friendly act. If subsidiarity beat tribalism, the Church would be all in on allowing birth control.

The current reunions make it easier to deport people whose asylum claims go south. Then families have harder decisions to make. The answer is reform more than administrative action.

I would take the award, take the money, donate it to the resistance and publish a blistering review of UAE's repression. It is much more fun than boycotting.

Ryan practically created the Freedom Caucus. Why in the world would anyone think he would be disloyal to it?

The key to any revolution is to make the oppressor overstep. It radicalizes the populace. The proper counterfactual in the revolutionary war is the British giving out cash and prizes for colonies abandoning the United States. That, and defying orders in 1781 and retaking the country after the Army disbanded. Thirteen simultaneous shows of force, including hangings, would have also worked. In civil war, whomever is patient, wins.

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