Thursday, March 18, 2021

Links: Conservative working class myth, visitation at the Vatican, Waldorf-Astoria history

Links: Conservative working class myth, visitation at the Vatican, Waldorf-Astoria history 

It is a pity when the Church puts authority over truth. When it does so, it has neither. Gay priests will bless marriages as they see fit, but they will do so quietly, just as priests blessed irregular second marriages before Amoris was even considered. Any priest who is not willing to do so does not understand what the Master was about. Until non-gay clergy realize that gender theory includes their own unrecognized asexuality, it has no business in anyone's bedroom.

CDW shows why we need linguistic patriarchs. That may be the change which brings Catholicism back to reality, including on gay marriage and women priests. This includes respecting the rights of the Coptic Pope to all of the African Catholic and Anglican Churches. Their conservatism helps make the Church impervious to reality. 

The Wealth Tax has all the flaws of capital gains and land value taxes. Only Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders like it in the Senate. Distributing the Child Tax Credit is the current issue to be mastered. It invites subtraction and asset value added tax provisions to solve the problems of distributing the CTC to families and closing the tax gap. The wealth tax will only widen it. The CTC can also be distributed to worker paychecks and funded as an offset to quarterly payments to the IRS.

Trump appealed to all of the usual Republican white voters. Small businessmen did not mob the Capital on January 6th. While there were professionals among Limbaugh's listenership, they were mostly of the generation which animated the Tea Party, thought Obama was born in Kenya and Nixon was innocent.

Partisanship (and white supremacy) continue to dominate the admission of states to the Union. Hawai'i needed Alaska, New Mexico needed Arizona and Washington, Douglas Commonwealth is left out in the cold. As for Maine, their contribution was their Second Regiment, who saved the Union at Gettysburg.

Note to MSW. Fighting voter suppression is justice, not wokeness (like Maine on abolition). Shame on you and those who think you are some liberal run amok. The Equality Act is an opportunity to grandstand The reality is that the Title VII decision effectively extends full protection in all areas of the Civil Rights Act by changing the definition of sex in section 1 of the law. It is the conservative side that will demand the Equality Act so that they can carve out a more robust religious exemption. That version is also DOA.

1 comment:

  1. Any Democrat who is not called a race traitor by the Trumpists is not trying hard enough.
