Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Links: Amazon workers' union push, Equality Act, Jamal Khashoggi's murder

Links: Amazon workers' union push, Equality Act, Jamal Khashoggi's murder 

Boycotting Amazon individually is ignorable. A mass public boycott may cause a company to relent. The problem is not Amazon, however. It is right to work laws. Amazon is just a symptom. Working on it is relying on Jeff Bezos as savior. Something bigger is needed.The problem is not Bezos, it is capitalism.

Conservatives are about order, not truth. This is true in both right-wing media and the Church. That has always been the case. Truth has a liberal bias.

The Equality Act was a stunt, as is the lie that people abort (and employers are bothered) because the pregnancy is either costly or inconvenient. People are not that short-sighted. People abort because they know they cannot provide for the child (among other things) and that their employers will not help out with a higher wage to remediate that. This is why only government can solve this.

The Mormon and Catholic Churches are not fighting for their right to preach, but their right to punish sin They seek religious power, not religious freedom. They also feel ashamed by their own bigotry, but they cannot put it into words, even though their conduct is shameful. Being gay is not a sin, especially if it is in relationship to one person. Promiscuity is not evil because it offends God or moral standards, but because it rends the human heart.

The goals of U.S. policy are Israel and oil, not necessarily in that order. There will be bluster, but no bombing of oil fields. We let Saudi Wahhabi zealots attack us with airplanes on 9/11. We won't life a finger on Khashoggi.  

The solution to Cuba is to end the boycott and let 1000 Starbucks open. Talk is nothing if a conservative regime is comfortable in its own skin. What bothers authoritarians is their deep fear that they really are illegitimate and everyone knows it. Again, look at the Bishops.

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