Monday, September 21, 2020

What does it say about Catholics that Trump thinks they're key to winning?

What does it say about Catholics that Trump thinks they're key to winning? 

The appeal to forgiving college debt is all about those of us in our 50s who still have college debt - indeed - we owe more now than we did in our 40s. Some may die with it or, worse, have lower Social Security benefits because of this. The other reason is that Biden wants Sanders voters, rather than having them go Green.

As to the question at hand, it says that Catholic voters who Trump seeks are the useful idiots to back the bishops in their quest for power within the Republican Party. On gay marriage, most Catholics have come around. It seems everyone has a gay friend, child or parent. It is the bishops who are demanding that employees who marry in some secular marriages (gay) be fired while those in others (hetero) are not. Sour grapes.

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