Monday, September 7, 2020

Solidarity is key to organized labor and the revival of community

Solidarity is key to organized labor and the revival of community 

Liberty is one of the four ways of life. It is the opposite of hierarchy. Like Equality, it is voluntary and is against status and rules. Like Despotism, it features the individual, but the individual in despotism is dominated by rules, while the libertarian is not. The history of culture is that mixed cultures are healthy while mono-cultures breed dysfunction. Real science depends on free thought and research, not conformity. Conformity is the error of science. 

In the current pandemic, the CDC is wed to masking, but their model of the virus is off by two weeks - as in between exposure to SARS2 symptoms. The reality is that this period is four weeks - two from exposure to nasal symptoms (which last a week), with a week of asymptomatic spread.

Challenging the official line is seen as being Trumpist. It is not. People are not dying for liberty, they are dying for error. Likewise, science is the usual enemy of fear, which is an aspect of despotism. Fear is keeping children home from school, even though they do not spread to adults, do not get sick, save for a cold, and that sterilizing every surface is not necessary. You breath the virus. It happens spreads from being sneezed on, yet even now, screeners do not ask people if they have been sneezing. 

Fear tells them that their sneezes were allergies, not the virus. People with the virus, including those of us who have recovered, are seen as contagious, even after we are a source of immunity. There is no such thing as a light case. Getting a cold or respiratory symptoms that do not turn into major fatigue is exposure, not infection. Infection knocks a person out for two weeks. You can have a light infection, but until you have fatigue, you are vulnerable to the real thing. After the real thing, you can still get a cold - which results in a positive test for PAN-COVID, which catches all bat viruses.

The most dangerous part of solidarity is that the experts do not actually listen to those who have had it - their solidarity is with other professionals, not patients. This is what will cause up to 500,000 people to die. We are doing Sweden, although unintentionally.

Church going in the 1960s was a product of despotism - of being afraid to not conform. Many people who went to Church believed in the belief of God. They had no real chance of bearing fruit. That despotism is what leads to the backlash of empty pews and Churches. 

Strong labor comes not from hierarchy, but from equality. It is a revolt against the bosses. Solidarity among workers, in its natural progression, leads to the democratic election of the bosses and a more equal wage structure. I am all for that, especially if it includes the room for individuals to push the envelope toward innovation. The labor movement has not yet gotten there yet.

Post COVID, a demand for higher minimum wages are natural after the higher benefits granted during the pandemic. These benefits have led to both savings, to deal with uncertainty, and individualistic consumption. Without the latter, there is no demand for justice.

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