Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Links for 9/15/20

Links for 9/15/20 

The Catholic News Agency is fringe on astroturf. The Register is not much better. Their only value is that they reflect how some bishops actually think (see my comments from yesterday).

Independents change parties to vote in one primary or the other. That did not happen this year because by the time PA voted, the nomination in both parties was settled. Putting Kamala on the ticket gets Philly turnout numbers to where they need to be. Fear is the mind killer.

Some Latino voter have abortion on their minds. Until being a pro-life Republican is seen as a GOP get out the vote mechanism, this will be a problem. At some point, Biden needs to call out the bishops for their support of this scam, although that too has risks - not for getting loyal Democrats to the polls, but with marginal Catholic voters. If possible, he should wait until after the election.

Kerry was a bad candidate. The comparison between the two is the perception that each was nominated because it was their turn. Hillary Clinton faced the same issue.

It is more likely that SARS-2 deaths are under-reported. In Iowa, the widespread illness and dying from it has not really started yet. When it does, she will rue the day she mentioned the issue.

Unless ICE troops become election thugs, the Virginia story won't have legs. They won't be. The virus has already burned through Virginia. Those who are vulnerable are mostly on the mend now.

Trump's racism will not only be a presidential landslide, it will cost the GOP more down ballot. See 2018.

Deep fried anything converts the complex carbs to sugar. Yikes!

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