Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Links for 4/9/2019

Links for 4/9/2019
Being politically intolerant is sometimes necessary if the other party embraces intolerance in service of Tax cuts for the Giga-Rich and a President with no appreciation of the civil rights of others. At some point a larger Democratic will shift on economic grounds, but only after the right wing extremists are marginalized. The candidates themselves will hear from a broad range of people. It is part of running.

Don't blame Catholic education for our youth not knowing Catholic social teaching. It certainly was not in the curriculum when we were young. Sadly, most in the pro-life movement are blissfully unaware. Schools teach self-reliance, which is the exact opposite of the reliance on God which is the essence of the kingdom. This is why they have made Trump their savior.

If the Democrats want to save Puerto Rico from Trump, the answer is impeachment, pass it on. Impeachment also means Trump cannot run for federal office if removed. Mayor Tim needs to run for Governor. So does Beto. If running a city was a qualification, I would run again.

I once got the Johnson treatment from Biden, but without the claw. I was glad he had good breath.

I hope that pastors respond to truth rather than flattery, or Marx was right. Sadly, they  seem to respond to LifeSiteNews.

The problem is not the IRS, its the capitalism. Tax reform can help shift wealth by financing employee ownership. A value added tax on asset sales would help too. Of course, the capitalists own much of Congress too, which is the real problem. See Marx again. Fixing this is an inside job. If workers have a good reason to act like owners, the rest is a snap. Getting rid of the Trump side show must still be job one.

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