Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Links for 4/23/19

Links for 4/23/19
Barr has an audience of one. He did not recuse because he is running interference for Mueller & Rosenstein. This is choreographed and the Speaker may even be in on it. The only wild card is Pence, and he may be the inside man on what is a very long con. If anyone needs to be removed quickly, it is Miller. Without him and Kushner, there is no Trump.

Wehner is absolutely right. The cross is a divine vision quest into abandonment. There is a line that God cannot look upon evil. Nothing could be further from the truth. The crucifixion was for man, not God. Morality is as well. The alternative is God as priggish Ogre. That would be a God to hide from, not embrace.

Young people are undergoing uncertainty and their hero is not a crazy, immoral billionaire. Bernie offers better stuff, but is more democratic socialist than cooperative socialist. We need the latter eventually.  A generation that believes in self-ownership will never obey a boss like Trump. That breed is dying out.

Because the Government owns the building, they will replace it. They also take care of the poor. If anyone says they are raiding money for rebuilding, grab your wallet for they are scamming you. Trumpism run amok. Wealth is a con based on the premise that we need a stern father or a boss. I detect a theme.

O'Brien gets close yo the truth. All dogma and doctrine comes through human understanding, which changes in every generation. Dogma is based on agreement because the underlying Truth is impossible to know. Vatican II was no minor Council. Dignitatis Humanae demythologized the Church. It undid Vatican I and the Magisterium of St. Pius and its ramblings about modernism. It will eventually lead yo both celebrations of gay marriage and an end to Medieval governance, which never existed before the Church was Hellenized. We went from an Italian Church to a global one. Broadly speaking, the Americanist Heresy won the day. Weigel is a reactionary. Too bad for George and his authoritarian disciples.

In his day, Washington was a progressive who was aware he was changing the world. Trump cannot even manage himself. It makes King Donnie the perfect Fascist. A symbol for the dying of the authoritarian age.

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