Thursday, April 11, 2019

Links for 4/11/19

Links for 4/11/19
Tragically, there are those in the survivors community who will not accept discordant information. It is why they got to sack Wuerl and go after Gregory. I should know, my ancestors come from Salem. I am a Blythe descendant. God help Trump's grandchildren. As for the movie answer, you can love Oz and have it not be your favorite. Frankly, my dear Michael, I don't give a hoot (it us tragic how they would write that line today). As there are speech restrictions from the left, they also come from the right, like modernizing Gable with a flying fork to even mentioning ordaining women to the priesthood or challenging traditional marriage as a Church employee.  So much for aggressive debate.

If only the Catholics would behave like the Presbyterians - Even if I would welcome a bluer response.

God help those of us who support Palestinian rights to full citizenship in Israel and who thinks Bibi is a pig and should be treated like a leper (My father was Catholic and an ethnic Jew, so I can say it with more force than a pure goy and still carry the desired sting). I am glad you said electing Bibi's  party was bad for peace, although sometimes revolution depends on making the tyrant go too far.

Biblical stories are always ripe for reinterpretation. The woman caught in adultery was assumed to be caught in the sex act, but what if she were simply single and pregnant? It could easily be an anti-abortion, just as the admonishing about leading a child into sin can be about either heresy or pederasty. Sadly, Jerome chose to believe that Jesus' siblings were cousins in order to reinforce the glorification of virginity, which is Hellenic and not Judaic. Another topic where rationality is verboten. Bring on the Trolls! They will really love how I am intimating that if the Church wants more prenatal hospice care it must both do late term abortions and insist on a huge increase in funds for Down's parents and a decent life-time subsidy or Down's an autistic spectrum  sufferers. That will attract the same trolls. So much for both free debate and enforced POV from the right.

Rural voters need to seek cooperatives to join locally and nationally. Organic farmers have learned that lesson, which is entirely socialistic, which is OK unless you call it that.

Many populists in the left see the Fed as capitalist running dogs, which they are. Putting those two jokers will help it fail, just as Trump will kill the GOP. Let them both die.

Let us not forget that the leadership of the pro-life Movement among the Evangelicals made a conscious decision to go from defending segregation to attacking abortion. If they don't get certiorari on the inevitable blocks to their recent provocations, their movement is dead. Nationalism is so blatantly indecent that it will meet the same fate, which will pit the fatal stake in the black heart of the GOP. I bet that noting this will provoke the usual suspects to call me a baby killer.

I am either sensing a theme or making one up. Interesting how that happens. All debate is really POV. You stand where you sit and once you sit, you don't like being told to move. It is why reactionaries are louder and meaner. We are comforted that they are also older.

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