Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Arroyo's EWTN show is anti-Francis, pro-Trump propaganda

Arroyo's EWTN show is anti-Francis, pro-Trump propaganda
Watching EWTN is like watching Fox News. You will never convince any of their viewers to accept that they are being lied to. Most don't read your column and those that do comment on the NCR Facebook page are trolls. This piece is pure troll bait. Arroyo and Bannon are speaking the Napa party line.

I wish you would quit watching and reviewing them. Even born would be better. Arroyo and Bannon are, essentially pornographic. There are plenty of people and ideas worth covering instead.

If only the American Church lose its money. While I feel that the Vatican should start unloading all the art that shows that the Holy Family is both White and Chaste by dropping the Canard that the Bishops are not it's employees. I would not mind seeing them humbled. It would be especially nice if the GOP bishops retired because they cannot take the poverty. The closure of their pro-life political operations would not make me sad.

Their faith in capitalism and forcing the poor to be self reliant show that they have no clue what the kingdom of God really is. It shall not serve them well.

Bannon and his fans  are White Nationalists. They would even make Goebels cringe. He is so clueless that he does not know that the networks are putting him on to show what an idiot he and Trump are. He is like a car accident. You just can't not look. Please try anyway.

Such racists used to be considered excommunicate. Do they even know what they are affirming? Bannon, Arroyo and their followers are Distictly Noncatholic.

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