Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Trump: Another unconvincing stab at statesmanship
When Citizen Trump calls for unity, he is really demanding obedience. Not recognizing he is a dangerous fascist and a Russian pawn, or soft pedaling that fact out of either loyalty to the pro-life movement or in anticipation of the 2020 election is abetting his conduct. He needs to be arrested yesterday. I am sure Mr. Mueller has probably cause to seek this.

Anyone advises delay is personally responsible for abetting his conduct. I am including both elected officials, journalists and their staffs - including the interns in this (both MSW and his readers). Impeachment and indictment can come later, when we can have public education through these procedures, but after the cancer of his presidency is removed.

As to Dr. Northam's comments, he is correct about withholding care from doomed children. It is allowed to omit extraordinary measures. As for what happens before pregnancy is induced, it is merely a legal nicety for what is euthanasia. God is not an Ogre. I am sure She does mind ending avoidable suffering. Birth should be induced so the baby can be baptized and allowed to die naturally (but with heavy sedation). Ending a doomed pregnancy is a mercy and should be endorsed by the Church (especially the hospitals), as not doing so leaves the unborn at the mercy of outside clinics.

Arguing from first principles is not sufficient to deal with this situation. Life is grittier than that. Allowing such an issue to abet election of a tyrant to the Presidency shows how much the movement has been co-opted by the Republican Party. Of course, Trump does not understand the intricacies of abortion law and politics. Indeed, his employment practices likely caused many of his employees to seek abortion. I (thankfully) did not watch the speech and turned it on while he was pivoting from abortion to military spending. This had to be the oddest part of the speech, even odder than his attempt to yet again obstruct justice.

I am sure that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez appreciates the implicit mention of her politics in the speech. Trump has as little knowledge of her socialism, which echoes Eisenhauer (who signed off on an even higher tax rate as well as a national highway system) and includes the Social Security and Medicare programs that even (and especially) his followers cling to. Trump and his followers do not understand this either and shame on those who do, but go forward anyway.

Regardless of his lack of knowledge or stupidity, his speeches show yet again that he is a fascist surrounded by fascists. Failure to understand that is to fall prey to the banality of evil.

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