Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Links for 2/26/19

Nostra was a product of the Council. To make real change, a new Council is needed (but in New Rome) to make the changes required in the Church to advance ecumenicism and leave Medievalism behind.

Vive' le France. I am Catholic because of prior anti-Antisemitism in the German Church. Bindner comes from Bittner, which is Ashkenazi.

Demographics is emptying the entire Midwest. Even the old people are moving away. Even with the fact that technology and therefore modern culture is everywhere, it is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. That matters.

The only way to have a free press is to own one. Crux likely prints what either they or their readers believe in. Even in religious media, its all about the Benjamins.

Nothing about the Green New Deal requires austerity. Government purchases, salaries and entitlement creates household spending. Higher taxes on the wealthy to fund these items creates household spending and reduces the market for the inflation of asset prices. Carbon taxes reduce bad production decisions. As an economist that knows how to read the definition of GDP, I see no downside. To enact the GND, getting rid of capitalism (not just ameliorating its effects as the Democratic Socialists advocate) is essential. Capitalists control too much political speech, including the socially conservative nonsense endorsed by the Church. For this reason, capitalism cannot be defeated by election. It must be occupied within and turned to cooperative socialism.

I agree that it is folly for any party to challenge an incumbent president. If the GOP is smart, they will help rid us of Trump and hope that Gen. Flynn had nothing bad to say about Pence. As long as Mr. Charisma remains unchallenged, they have two chances, slim and none, as Gerry Ford found out (it would have been the same sans pardon and sans Reagan). It may be that the best thing for the GOP is a President Pelosi (or Pelosi using Article I, Section 2, Clause 5 to make Biden, Harris or Warren Speaker and then President). Then the Democrats would have to drop all of their campaigns and the GOP, although it would lose, can at least find a leader not infected with the MAGA virus.

As the national emergency is no crisis, neither is using a legislative veto to reverse it. Trump will be gone soon enough that it does not matter either way. Senate override of a veto to of the legislative veto helps Pelosi justify going forward with impeachment because she will know where the votes are to remove.

Poverty can always be ended for most by giving them more money. Poverty of ability could be solved by giving them more money to go to a Catholic remedial education program (which should also be publicly funded). Such programs should be the rule, not the exception.

The hot 100 CEOs heading for Hell could be saved by ending capitalism and making their ilk compete for their jobs in open auction, with ties settled by a vote of the workers. That is true for managers as well. Occupying capitalism means starting to do such things in employee and union owned firms, who will outperform capitalist firms if they put in post-facto rather than bureaucratic incentives (pay for results, not position) for managers, engineers, scientists and sales and start enlarging their firms based on bringing what employees purchase, especially housing, in-house.

Nothing can stop good Catholic Marxism but lack of courage to think outside the box.

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