Monday, August 27, 2018

Vigano letter exposes the putsch against Pope Francis
MGB: If the Pope is to resign, than Vigano should seek life in a monestary or among the laity, for he had more to do with protecting bishops who protected bad priests than anyone else, as the article points out. He and others among the Anachronists in the Church seem to think that homosexuality causes abuse, even though most abusers have never come out or been identified as gay and are therefore considered heterosexual. What they are is unformed asexuals who lack the sexual formation necessary to govern themselves when desire hits them. 

The anti-sexual caste has long held sway in the Church, back to when clerical sacred continence was created out of whole cloth and the Gospels reinterpreted with the insane idea that a first century Rabbi and Pharisee would be celibate or that his mother defaulted on her marriage vows and not given Joseph more children (scripture says otherwise). All of this because they were attempting to gain favor with Roman elites and their misogyny. Indeed, maintaining the belief that being with one's wife defiles one from celebrating the Eucharist give them away. Such is Vigano, as was Humanae Vitae intervener and ghost writer Ottoviani. The Church would be improved if they had joined the Dominicans or another order and taken a vow of silence. Francis has taken on what Jesus said in Luke 22:25 when he said "“The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those in authority over them call themselves benefactors."  Who are Vagano et al following?

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