Friday, August 10, 2018

Most Catholic commentaries on McCarrick either predictable or irresponsible
MGB: First of all, while there are allegations of McCarrick's guilt, there are still procedures in place, which exist for any priest or bishop, to determine the truth of them.  I had not heard that they were finished, if you wish to speak about irresponsible reportage.

Second, we need to look at whether openly gay priests might have a right to sexual expression, just as married priests do, within the rules of sacred continence and laicized priests should be reinstated if released for marriage (gay or straight). Sacred continence essentially propounds the belief that sexual contact with a woman renders one unclean to say Mass. That bit of garbage should have been taken out long ago for consecrated men and women, priests and bishops. I would rather trust my child to an openly gay sister than one in the closet.

Finally, we have a choice to make as a Church, we can go back to electing bishops or we can admit that they are papal employees and hold the Holy See responsible for their actions. The Medieval tradition that they are each lordlings responsible for themselves and each other, which is culturally called despotism, has no place in modern society. Seeking change is not a libertarian view, it is egalitarian or hierarchical (if the Vatican is responsible). There is a huge difference.

It is time to go beyond a distinctly catholic view of this issue and MSW was irresponsible by not mentioning my earlier comments. Their validity should be based on what was said, not who sponsors it.

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