Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Links for 8/9/18

MGB: The gay clergy is not a problem, especially if they are free to be out and proud. There is no danger from an out gay person (and not much from a closeted one). It is the asexuals we need to worry about. They should be outed to so that we can both protect our children from those with different enough sexual development to be dangerous and to take what they write about sex with the heavy grain of salt it deserves.

Right-wing survivors have an anti-gay agenda and misunderstand why people abuse (a lack of sexual formation).  I give some survivors less of a wide swath. At some point, abuse was too long ago to demand penalties. Old people accusing other old people should be dealt with, but through some kind of truth and justice commission, not public flagellation.

I do not know how much say Cardinals still have in the elevation of bishops. I would not underestimate it, but I do trust McCarrick more than I trust Rigali, Burke or Law.

The only widespread voter fraud in this country comes from Secretaries of State who purge the voter rolls in a way that reflects race rather than non-voting in two federal elections (which is allowed under federal law and is to be encouraged in states with initiative and recall).

Trump is a racist and does not believe that Black lives (or poor lives) matter, except when servants are needed. He lies to promote his racism. Sadly, many in the public are ready to buy it. His garbage would not sell if no one was buying, including Catholics.

I am wondering why MSW has not replied to my essay on liberty, Rousseau and Aquinas. I got there first.  Rousseau's general will is simply Aquinas' doctrines on free will applied to the polity. The extent to which you water down the general will is the extent to which you require a police state. This concept of the general will meeting free will gives you individual rights vis'-a-vis' legislative majorities from issues like the legalization of cannabis to gay marriage rights to abortion to the ability of Catholic Churches to not get firebombed in Alabama and eventually get money for hiring teachers at parochial schools.

Ingraham and Arroyo are propagandists, not religious thinkers. That they buy into Miller's abject racism is no surprise at all. EWTN has become FoxNews at prayer.

Change in the Democratic Party will accompany the collapse of the Republicans as the non-racist Republicans (the racists are no longer fringe in the party) flee and find common cause with the Clintonites. They will be as libertarian as any Socialist. What's the Matter with Kansas by Thomra Frank showed this long ago. The question of liberty will not matter to who becomes the majority. What will matter is how each group deals with race. Neither has earned the trust of the Obama-only voters.

There is little chance Trumpists will keep the House. Almost every time the GOP loses the House, it is because of corruption. Middle of the road voters will not stand for it and they won't stand for how the House is standing with Trump. The only way they can lose small, instead of big (and their margin is slim) is to shoot their own rabid dog and do so quickly - like by the end of September when most voters make up their minds.

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