Thursday, August 23, 2018

Links for 8/23/18
MGB: I suspect the right-wingers will criticize the book from the review rather than the book itself. This is probably what most people do. Bishops and priests will actually read it. Sadly, few others will, even those in marital crisis until divorce has already occurred.  A spouse intent on leaving certainly won't and I am not sure she should have to.

Kavanaugh likely does believe Roe is settled law. He is a Kennedy protege and went to law school late enough to explain the logic of the decision as good 14th Amendment law. As I said at Georgetown two years ago at MSW's panel, there were 7 pro-Roe Justices on the Court. With Kavanaugh there will be eight.  When Meier tried to get on the Court, the hue and cry from the right stopped the nomination when she was suspected of being pro-choice. That likely won't happen this time.  It is time for the movement to give up the delusion that the Supreme Court will make any changes to the status quo. Then it can move on to what will work, congressional action to enforce the 14th Amendment, which will largely baptize the status quo.

It is good to see evidence of the Church and Labor starting to get along again, at least at the staff level.

There is more to sex than straight or gay. Asexuals are neither and are more likely to be sexually immature. The only way out of the mess on sex is to realize that we should probably not let them make sexual doctrine for the rest of us, as they don't really understand what they speak of.

I had not heard of Coffin nor do I wish to hear of him again. There are more worthy people of your attention on the left than on the right.

They say there is a blue wave coming. We will see if it reaches state assemblies, which are even more important than Congress on redistricting, although most states seek to placate their members of Congress because they are leaders in the local party.

Trump has bad views, but I suspect on speeches he is Stephen Miller's sock puppet, although he is probably the one keeping Miller on.

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