Monday, July 23, 2018

To have a future, Democrats must embrace moral and religious language
MGB: Harrington was not at all religious, although he still wrote about equality and justice in a way that made you think he was. I am currently reading The Twilight of Capitalism, which makes clear where he sits on religion. It is a marvelous book that lays out what Marx actually said in his writings and why, as well as how it can be used in the debates of the day. While there are Christian and even Catholic Democratic Socialists (I have written three books in that vein - note to MSW - review one already, it has already been delivered to NCR), Michael Harrington was not one of them.

I would love it if the Democratic Party adopted that sort of line. I would sell more books. Sadly, the Millenials are happily Nones for Bernie and the Boomers and Xers want the lost glory of Obama and Clinton.  They seem to regard bringing in Christianity is something that old black folks did in the Civil Rights movement, although the Moral Mondays of Reverand Barber still ring true with that message.  DSA members are enthusiastically participating in the Poor People's March, so anything can happen, but I don't anticipate mass conversions.

The First Things quote from Benedict is good history, but I bet many of the readers went nuts when they read it. They want the prosperity gospel to be blessed and the Church is having none of that (although some of the bishops might).

As for Hillary, it is hard to run when the voters on the other side are crazy and so is their candidate. The whole Deplorables thing became a badge of honor for them, but she could have won if she really knew her party. She should not have run the whitest man in the Senate as her VP. Duval Patrick or Corey Booker (even with his neo-liberalism) would have led to a victory. The Obama miracle was about getting Black voters who never go to the polls to line up in droves. In my home precinct in Alexandria, Obama on the ballot had long lines. Without Obama, turnout is steady, but light.

 The problems in the Democratic Party are about race more than religion. It is not even about Class. When Marion Barry was on the ballot, people came out. Without him, not so much. White people come out anyway. Getting Black folks to come out for a white candidate will take some Reparations within the Democratic Party. Democratic Socialism might be part of it - and it would need a more religous bent, but that is still not enough. Black voters have heard enough talk. It is time to show them some action.

Talking about Capitalism does not make it go away and Black voters see through it, although Millenials don't seem to. We need to Occupy Capitalism instead. We need enough religion not to scare away the Cold Warriors (who seem to all be for Trump and Russia), but not much more. Talking about the Middle Class does nothing for Black voters. They hear it as a desire to talk to and about White voters. End that conversation. Talk about workers instead.

Is there a place for the Catholic Church? Absolutely. Open Catholic vocational high schools and give up the dream that every Catholic kid finishes college and considers the priesthood. If you want sexual grievance to go away, shut up the homophobes in the Church and celebrate gay weddings rather than firing staff for having them. Put forward a plan for a child tax credit that approximates a living wage and condemn any pro-lifer that rejects it (which is $1000 per month per child). Oh, out the asexuals in the clergy and prevent them from making doctrine and, most importantly, ordain women. If you don't do these things, quit telling us how to run our party, especially regarding the politics of grievance.

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