Friday, July 27, 2018

Conservatives distort McCarrick scandal to attack Francis
MGB: Conservative commentators talking about sexual abuse is like Republicans attacking deficit spending (especially entitlements, which are mostly self-funded) when the Democrats are in power. The way they are doing it with McCarrick borders on calumny - and probably has crossed that border. I will make no excuses for the tin ear of Francis on this issue, but I agree that St. John Paul was absolutely deaf. While there could have been files that successor bishops might have seen, which is what the Conservatives seem to be suggesting, none of them have seen them or heard from others who have. I do not read these Conservative outlets and the best way to deal with this story is to simply boycott them and urge others to do the same, including MSW.

As for the clerical culture, this incident shows that we don't have a cultural problem, we have a structural problem. When nations were ruled by Divine Right kings, they consolidated power by forcing the Vatican to let them appoint bishops. With the rise of Protestantism, the papacy took that function back.  The rise of democracies, which the popes hated, continued the practice. Since Vatican II, at least on paper, the popes no longer hate democracy. Dignitas Humanae sealed deal, however they have not yet adjusted their organization structure to embrace it for the Church, thus returning to the ancient practice of the clergy and the people appointing their own pastors - which includes both bishops and pastors of the parish. Doing so puts child protection in the hands of the people, which is where it should be. No parish would transfer an abuser to another parish. They would call the police. It is past time to get this done. No more Omerta and no more clerical culture. Of course, the conservatives will wail and gnash their teach at such developments, which will be fun to watch.

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