Thursday, July 5, 2018

Links for 7/5/18
MGB: Sadly, most young people, especially among the Nones, have never talked to a Nun.

SCOTUS does not gather evidence. It is up to the parties to present all of their own arguments, including assertions that the Petioner is lying.

Judge Barrett is being put forward to let the Democrats kille her nomination so that the next guy goes through easily.

That a Republican justice would oppose the death penalty is the impossible dream.

Abortion, which by definition is performed on a fetus that has no legal recognition, will never be banned in the United States. Infanticide can be banned, but that demands legal recognition of the child and punishment of the mother. That is unlikely as well. The issue is all about sentimentality, not law, and there will be no march of cultural change to stop it. The only hope is to establish a real living wage for families with children so that most poor people see having the child as an economic plus rather than a burden. Of course, the pro-life movement will never go along because for them, this issue is about sex, not saving children.

The House Republicans are unhinged on impeachment, unless they decide to shoot their own dog to keep their jobs. Their change in attitude will make your head spin.

Calling Obama an Manchurian Candidate in the age of Trump and his Russian handlers is truly desperation.

Charing non-members for services for what is essentially a democratic organization is inconsistent. The answer to Janus is to require a closed shop so that each employee has a voice. The fee was always a poor compromise to the conservatives who opposed unionization.

Trump is no less grandiose now than in the 80s.  Of course, he will pass on building Trump City as president if he cannot personnally profit from it.

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