Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Links for 7/17/18

MGB: Going back to states rights on Roe would also shift us to that standard in all other matters, from segregated schools to gay marriage. It simply will not happen. It also cannot. Roberts and Alito voted against overturning Roe, along with Kennedy, when the Partial Birth Abortion case was heard (the entire law was a blatant send up for repeal). It is doublful that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh would depart from the views of their mentor. If the unborn are to be protected, it must be in Congress, not SCOTUS. I wonder who is looking over America's shoulder or who was added to the editorial staff to make them write such a fanciful piece. It is not even a successful thought experiment.

I would form a thrid group of dissidents and mine would get the biggest audience - Catholics demanding an end to celibacy, sacred continence and the ban on female ordination. A discussion of family life by a celibate clergy and those laity that adore them is quaint, were it not so toxic. As for the right wingers, someone has spiked their Geritol.

Francis was preaching the Gospel of the day. It still applies and most missionaries honor it. We are a Church, not an NGO.

I suspect there was some cherrypicking of factors. I ask, to what extent are Republicans warmongers, anti-abortion and racist. While I am sure there is an over-estimation on the Democratic side, I also suspect the Republicans are undercounting their base. The impact of pro-choicers, unions, socialists and peaceniks is also wrongly estimated on the Democratic side.

Trump is beyond craven and into pathological. I am no longer surprised at anything he says. Even if the were talked into resigning, he would try to take it back.

Hillary would only be a third party candidate if the Democrats when full on socialist, the Republicans went full on racist and the Wall Street types were looking for a home.

It is delusional to think Nancy is going anywhere or that right wing Democrat back benchers can make her. Democrats for Life don't get to pick the speaker in anything like the real world.

It looks like Planned Parenthood and the Denver Archdiocese agree on something.

Our allies looking to Moscow are like us looking to the Saudis. They want oil and gas, nothing more. Russia is a third world country and always has been. They were more advanced when the Tartars controlled it.

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