Wednesday, September 6, 2017

We should keep fighting for DACA, but DACA is not enough
MGB:_Ideally, there should be no immigration restrictionsm, no right to work, drug or anti-prostitution laws. We would quickly find that coyotes could not sell their human product if undocumented workers and prostitutes had recourse to the government for their bad treatment, rahter than the threat of arrest over their heads for seeking help. Without the demand for shadow labor, it would stay home. You would think the ”Freedom Caucus” would support something like that, but they would recoil at real liberty or at programs that would rescue prostitutes, organize workers or treat addicts, which would treat society’s scape goats like human beings.

In the interim, there is an easy solution. End the requirement that applicants for Student and H-1B visas have valid information status at application. Also, give Mexican workers the same NAFTA visa rights as Canadians. It is racist that this is not the case. To deal with the backlog, increase the fees and hire more processing staff or contract it out. Where there is a will, there is a way. There is no will. Immigration battles are the Republican xenophobes fighting the honest Republican busienss sector fighting the shady GOP operators. Sadly, the Democrats enjoy the battle, so don’t count on them to push a settlement that might give anyone a way out.

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