Thursday, September 21, 2017

Links for 09/21/17
MGB:_The sad thing is that Fr. James took a moderate tone. He did not make the case for celebrating gay weddings at Mass and did not explore the pathological history of Catholic sexual teaching, which is more Stoic than Christian. He called for dialogue, but the anti-marriage Catholics have lost in so many public venues that they can’t think straight, even about Francis, who has also said none of things that need to be said on reforming doctrne on sex and ordination.

Immigration would be funny if not so tragic. The entire debate benefits those businesses who would buy workers from coyotes and call Homeland Security if they step out of line. We need to simply end worker restrictions and right to work laws. Then only workers who are needed to fill out union vacancies at union wages will come to the U.S.

This was another speech that had the President’s Chief of Staff bury his head in his hands. How can he see how crazy Trump is without his VP and Cabinet seeing it?

I don’t expect charity from capitalists. Stakeholders should have become shareholders, although even then, the advance of technology may have killed Youngstown. If workers control consumption as a group as well as production then they will always find some way to both consume and make enough money in outside sales to finance what they cannot make for themselves (and if not, they need to have bought insurance to keep them going until something comes up).

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