Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Links for 09/05/17

MGB:_Buddy Hackett had a great routine about Jews and Methodists. I suspect Elizabeth is more a social justice Methodist than Hillary.

Taxes should always be the litmus test for Democrats. Still, it is not supporting abortion that is important, it is supporting the fact that state governments are constitutionally incompetent to deal with that question and most questions of personal moral rights and liberties. A governor will never give the right answer on that question, but should if he wants to be a Senator in the Democratic caucus.

LifeSiteNews has no reason to call Francis a Communist. Maybe a liberation theologist, but not a Communist. Now Benedict, there was a good Marxist. There was even speculation of Marxists in the Vatican when Caritas was released. It was at least Social Democratic, which is Marxian. Anyone who isn’t should realize they are mouthing the Calvinist line and repent. Even and especially at the National Review, which is more and more becoming the National Republcan.

Larry Summers is an uber-capitalist who seems to have his finger in the air. When the winds are blowing toward socialism, he is arguing for the government regulation he should have encouraged under the Clinton and Obama years. Obama got a start at reversing Reagan and the Bushes (and Clinton), but was blocked by Congress. I hope Larry puts his fundraising where is keyboard is, but no progressive POTUS should ever give him another job.

The private Reagan had more of an edge than the public one. I recall the staffer of one of his advisors relating what Reagan once said him about his being the advisor and Reagan being the GD President. Sadly, Alzheimers took that edge away and, like Mrs. Wilson, his staff kept the show going when they should have thrown in the towel. There is a lesson here for Trump’s staff. Walter Reed’s presidential physician, call your office.

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