Friday, June 16, 2017

The ice begins to break in conservative chokehold of USCCB

The ice begins to break in conservative chokehold of USCCB: Distinctly Catholic: Change comes to the U.S. bishops' conference slowly, but the latest meeting shows that it is indeed coming.

MGB: The recent promotions by Francis have got some of these bishops worried about their careers.  Whatever it takes.  There is not quite enough steam to start changing staff at the USCCB, although those who have hitched their fortunes to the GOP and Donald Trump have got to be worried, although they are not too worried because they can work with Pence (indeed, probably easier than with Trump, who is erratic).  I suspect that when you say religious liberty to most bishops, including those on the left, they will be thinking religious power - although it is the right-wingers who think of it as raw power rather than the power to make the moral argument.  It may take a generation to flush out those bishops who want to return to the bad old days were the local Monsignor could call the local Police Chief to get Lenny Bruce pulled off the stage.

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