Monday, June 26, 2017

Links for 06/26/17

Links for 06/26/17: At the Washington Post, Amber Phillips on how the Dems lost Georgia's sixth congressional district and the need for different leadership of the party. 

At Vox, an interview with Naomi Klein....

MGB: Amber is from Net Roots Nation originally and was interviewing someone from Democracy for America.  This interview may be a bit slanted to a Millennial point of view, which would favor Sanders.  I would not expect her to like Pelosi, but unless Mr. Ellison of Minnesota can get the votes from the rest of the caucus, removing Pelosi simply gives you Hoyer or Cummings.  The only way to change party leadership is for Sanders voters to start primarying Democrats in safe seats and the don't have the money to do that.

What Klein says about brand as distraction to let Trump's people move freely is correct, but a bit paranoid.  Court challenges will stop much of their administrative program.  She is right about warming, we need to start closing coal plants, not taxing their emissions.

Nones no longer say grace at meals.  Neither do people dining alone or in mixed religious company,

It is time to attack the natural born requirement for president on due process grounds and elect Arnold.

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