Thursday, June 22, 2017

Moral equivalence?

Moral equivalence?: Distinctly Catholic: There is no moral equivalence between the two major political parties from the standpoint of Catholic social teaching.

MGB:  The abortion issue is not really an issue because there are no real proposals to deal with it.  Democratic Catholics are ill-served by politicians who don't explain why Roe was rightly decided rather than invoking pluralism.  The solution to abortion is adequate family income.  The Democrats should lean on this one heavily, proposing a $1000 per month per child tax credit for employers to be distributed with payroll.  If this sounds socialistic, good, it is.  It is also mandated by Catholic Social Teaching, from Leo to Benedict and especially by Pius XI.  Of course, until the Democrats propose it, the Republicans can't be embarrassed into enacting it.  Whatever it takes. The Democratic problem is not abortion, it is neo-liberalism, which is Republican Lite - a way to pander to rich donors.  Until they take care of families, you might as well accept equivalency.

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