Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Links for 06/07/17

Links for 06/07/17: In the Washington Post, how the Republicans can make Obamacare so untenable it makes their alternative more palatable. Just to be clear: This is playing politics with people

MGB: If they actually drive insurance companies to bankruptcy, the court and a future administration may use this to enact single payer and the GOP loses.

HIV in the black male community has unique causes, including a kind of fatalism not found among African men.  For others, being on the down low is not considered being gay, so precautions are not taken. There are other reasons as well, having to do with incarceration, but in none of these cases does the black gay community care what the HRC thinks, which in the long run is a problem for the HRC.

No surprises on the weapons story except that China does not have bigger take.  I disagree that these industries can be converted to anything having to do with poverty, at least until they are first converted to space exploration and develop how to do closed loop agriculture, which will forever put a stake in the cold dead heart of Malthus.

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