Monday, October 12, 2015

The Fault Lines at the Synod | National Catholic Reporter

The Fault Lines at the Synod | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I would submit that the view of marriage as indisoluable is the result of the kind of proof texting usually reserved for the Southern Baptists.  It is time to be open to the Paraclete, who is said to come to educate us because there things we don't yet know (for example that because of epigenesis, gays were born that way - its not a choice).  Divorce is the same thing.  The modern marriage exists without Covenenture - meaning the dominant role of the male as a comparison to Christ and his Church no longer applies (unless you want a horizontal relationship with Christ).

Traditional marriage is dead and has been for a while.  The question becomes how divorce fits in with the new marriage.  When marital rape was by definition impossible, it was not cause for divorce. It is now, as is all manner of abuse, alcoholism and mental illness (which while it could be cause for annulment is sometimes arising after the marriage itself).  The right cannot put their heads in the sand and think the marriages of their childhood (which reality were not that pristine) are the be all and all of human relationships.  The Trads thinking all the answerers have already been discerned are suffering from extreme HUBRIS, which is a worse sin than finding a new person to love after divorce.

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