Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Links for 10/28/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 10/28/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Douthat and First Things are hardly worthyof the title theologian and theologians dignify them by their objections.  Some things should be ignored, allowing those of us who, even if not theologians, to get more ink from the left.  Ms. Oakes statement that every Catholic has the right to an opinion is spot on and why more democracy in the Church is appropriate.

Bravo to Bishop Flores for reminding us that there is more to current church affairs than practices regarding marriage and divorce.

Schneck is not correct.  There is quite the movement in the Democatic Party to focus on the working class, Democratic or not.  Its called the Sanders campaign.  If the Senator wins nomination, it will color all other races down ticket (although only the Senate will have much change - although some House seats could be picked up by a movement candidate and a dispirited GOP (the reason the Democrats aren't doing so bad is because the GOP is in parts dying off and going to crazy town).  Not mentioning Sanders at all is journalistic malpractice.

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