Friday, October 9, 2015

Links for 10/09/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 10/09/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Rather than bankruptcy, I hope that broadening the tax base to include non-Puerto Ricanos living on the island and federalizing enough of the debt so what is left is sustainable.  PR is part of the US, it should not be treated by Wall Street like a banana republic.

Silk asks the wrong question.  It is not whether assisted suicide is good or bad policy, but whether penalizing suicide attempts or assistance is.  Most people rightly say it is not.  The view that our lives are not our own, but we are stewards of them is essentially a God the Orgre argument.  Its old and tired.  Its not natural law unless you are talking about the Relativistic natural law that comes out of the Curia (a mistake by both Benedict and Francis).  In the end, the Supreme Court will put suicide with contraception and sodomy under the realm of privacy (4th and 9th Amendments as well as 14).  Will the poor and marginalized by harmed by this?  No. The subject is assisted suicide, not mandatory suicide - which we would fight and the Supreme Court would never allow - also for privacy reasons.

I don't believe that the Devil made me do it when I argue against error in Church teaching - which does exist.  Indeed, I am speaking from another Spirit within me, granted in Baptism and Confirmation.  To deny that Spirit just because it makes Trads a bit uncomfortable is unforgiveable blasphemy.

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