Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Links for 04/22/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 04/22/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Al Rovati's piece is nice - a bit less political than the one I put on NCR and the Examiner at  Still, baptizing Mercy as important an aspect of Christ as being the Word is radical and has its implications for the Synod on the Family.

Robert Christian's piece is cute.  It ia amazing that he mentioned neither Capitalism in reference to the problem with the plutocrats (as if people having too much money was the flaw in our system), not understanding that consumerism is the safety valve that keeps capitalism in place in the developed world and that some type of socialistic solution is the solution.  While fixing primaries is a good idea - I would do it by giving anyone with more than 15% of support in a caucus in each district an equal amount of funding - it probably would be just for show.  Incumbents usually keep their jobs because they figured out how to do them, at least in the House.  I used to live in Virginina, which is an open primary state.  Never did a Green, Libertarian or Socialist hijack a primary and win the General.  As for money in general, the problem is not capitalists buying elections - it is that they buy everything generally.  I wrote a whole book about these things ten years ago.  Oh, as far as the domination of pro-choice forces at the Democratic Convention - generally these delegates are teachers and they have an opinion reflecting their own reality.  If you don't like their view, change their reality by paying them more.

The Archbishop of Chicago preached a eulogy for his predecessor Tuesday nite.  I am told it is worth a look.Aren't such vigil's called wakes?

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