Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Links for 04/07/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 04/07/15 | National Catholic Reporter We can always hope that Anett and Gehring are correct and that Francis can bring at least Catholic conservatives around, but if he can't do that on economics, divorce or gay marriage, the prospects are dim. As long as our relationship with mega-polluter China is in its current dynamic, they won't upset the Chinese, even if they don't say that is what they are doing.  I suspect it will take an American balanced budgt (with taxation on the rich making up the difference), harsher climate realities and innovatino and invention in power generation (maybe in Helium3 fusion) to bridge the warming gap.

Lori and Chaput want to keep hope alive on punishing those in favor of gay marraige.  No compromise will do.  They are spitting in the wind, because the next developments will be Catholic Hospitals honoring the wishesof gay spouses of patients (as they legally must) and giving gay emplloyees equal treatment (I am sure that boat has long sailed at many Catholic colleges).  What they really fear is gay priests blessing gay unions, or even performing them with no civil ceremony - or demanding celibacy end so they can marry each other.  There is no standing in the way of that, as the case against gay marraige was always slim and now gone, even as part of the sacarament. We don't require hetero fecundity and we believe the couple makes the marriage, priest optional.  Only the "gay sex is icky" or "where are we going to get priests if gay applicants are not self loathing" reasons remain and these are not good reasons.

Welcome back Bishop O'Connell.  Good push, but be careful of doctor's orders. Infections in our site can still be fatal, so no being a hero.  And watch your diet.  My cousin Roger Miller, who was the Diciples of Chrsit Regional Minister of Kentucky, is has been dealing with amputation issues from diabetes as well.  He had to give up his role when he started losing parts.  He is now in Norwalk, Iowa helping out.  This is not easy never gets that way. I pray for both of them.  Interesting fact about the Disciples. Their General Minister is a woman.  Hardly a mention in the news of either her elevation or her gender.  Too bad we can't pull that off.  Oh, a rural, midwestern Church - no issue at all.  Lets not think we are so slick.

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