Saturday, April 18, 2015

Links for 04/17/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 04/17/15 | National Catholic Reporter MSW.  MGB: I agree with those parents.  The younger bomber has lost his dangerousness - though exile of some sort, like prison, is necessary of the public well-being - unless of course we found it was his idea.  The needed execution  in this case happened when they got his brother in the street.  Sadly, that is how BPD rolls - indeed, they were trying to save the people a trial for the younger one too, but the cameras stopped them.

David's remarks are very interesting regarding the questions of law v. conscience and the law written in hour hearts.  Of course, that is a bit more real - or could be - than a conference on polarizations is likely to get. Too bad - because it essentialy is a question not of conscience but of who decides what the natural law is, the Curia and Ordinaries or the people themselves - and why not the latter?

There is likely no military solution to Israel and unless the United States attacks it - and Obama won't do that - not with the number of Jews who are or were on his staff.  It won't come until even American Zionists agree that rounding up all Palesntinians in Gaza and the West Bank to more easily kill them is wrong.  I am familiar with the proposition, as the Parajmos happened concurrently with the Holocaust - except the former was more successful among my fellow Sinti. Until you know what I just said, don't talk to me about genocide.  The only solution is probably when remnant of our peoples decide they want to test whether the right of return applies to the other ten tribes (that was a big hint).

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