Friday, February 13, 2015

The Reforms in Rome: This is a Big Deal | National Catholic Reporter

The Reforms in Rome: This is a Big Deal | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The evolution of reform that led from Papal Ultramontism to Vatican II, the retrenchment by the Curia and the attempt to react to the sexual abuse crisis have led us here.  At least two of the last three Popes have not been creatures of the Curia - it seems the best popes are not.  St. John was not either.  Still, Francis must maintain some papal authority in the wake of changes to diminish the power of Rome, else he will not be able to get the reforms through - given the desire of most Cardinals, unstated, to one day be Pope.  My prediction is that the C-9 will lead to either continental, if not linguistic, patriarchies more in line with the Orthodox - at which point it will be safe to conclude that the gutting of the Curia has been accomplished.

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