Thursday, September 18, 2014

'Immigrant Labor, Immigrant Rights' | National Catholic Reporter

'Immigrant Labor, Immigrant Rights' | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The language of rights is not out of order in Catholic thought, unless you want a large Church hierarchy ruling on individual immigration and labor actions.  Without it, workers (domestic and immigrant alike) are victims of not only the unfree market for labor within global capitalism, but have no rights to counter those who would exploit them (think right to work).  If all workers have a right to be here, no immigration reform is necessary.  Sadly, they don't, but when they are here there should be certain rights and protections, including health care, a fair wage that does not consider their status, joining a union (there is your solidarity), a safe workplace and the right to avoid deportation through being advised that if they are smuggled in and sold to a factory or farm, they have been trafficked and have a right to stay.

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