Friday, September 26, 2014

Gerson on Resentment & Christianity | National Catholic Reporter

Gerson on Resentment & Christianity | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Michael Gerson favors civility over rear guard action, and Michael Sean Winters think conservative Catholics should try that as well.  Michael Gerard Bindner would even extend that to the Church hierarchy in dealing with gay marriage and different understandings of when Communion can be received.  I also suspect that civility is being encouraged because it forces the left to be civil when we would really like to dance of the graves of the worn out ideas being defeated by those of us who are, as Justice Kennedy names us, moral libertarians.  (did MSW miss that piece without commenting on it).  Its not that we are libertarian as much as egalitarian - that we don't let hierarchs dictate to us (especially when the appear wrong) and actually go out and help those being damaged, like non-evangelicals at the Air Force Academy or women who need contraception though their employers don't want to buy insurance that funds it (even at the same price).  I don't think either side will be listening to Michael Gerson.  (especially when race is in the background, like in voting rights).

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