Friday, September 19, 2014

Congress, Obama and ISIS | National Catholic Reporter

Congress, Obama and ISIS | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: While American public opinion is important, it is not vital to the boots on the ground decision.  What distinguishes good revolutions from bad ones (in terms of success) is whether the revolutionaries have put themselves on the line rather than depending on a colonial power (like America).  While we helped the Libyans, they did the work and may have a chance (it takes years to know).  We helped Iraq too much, and they folded in front of an advancing ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant).

On the should haves - should we have armed the revolutionaries two years ago?  No - as those who would be ISIS were in the coalition.  What really caused ISIL was Rumsfeld directing the deBaathification of Iraq and the continued disbanding of the Iraqi army.  Some of those folks now fight for ISIL - its why their winning.  Of course, there are enough non-Wahabi's in that sector of the world to revolt in the same way the Sunni tribes revolted just as we had at troop surge (the revolt mattered more).  It will happen again.  If we really want to kill ISIL, we need to get hard core with the Saudis and their funding of Wahabiism - I suspect it is the Saudi king who really wants to be named Caliph.  While we cannot establish the other King Abdullah - the one from Jordan - as Caliph, I would hope someone should.  If was seen to have the authority to clean up this mess, and a few clandestine arms from the DoD, we could quickly resolve this and put the Saudi throne in its place (or bomb it).

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