Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Uganda's Anti-Gay Laws | National Catholic Reporter

Uganda's Anti-Gay Laws | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The people promoting this law do not like Catholics either, as it is directly from C Street and the Family, although the number of men in the family shows they may be just a tiny bit in the closet.  The old phrase was "better latent than never."  As far as homosexuality hurting western culture (and the Church) - it mostly created western culture (and the modern priesthood).  I have been saying for a while that the Roman and Anglican Churches should sever ties with their African Church branches and let them form ties with the Pope of Alexandria, who traditionally (western imperialism notwithstanding) is the Patriarch of All Africa.  If an Afrocentric Coptic Church were created it could work through these issues on its own - at which point it would come up with a more modern answer than reacting to our reality.

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