Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Below Freezing in Hell: MSW Agrees with Weigel | National Catholic Reporter

Below Freezing in Hell: MSW Agrees with Weigel | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Here is the thing.  I agree with the UN.  The Holy See's position on its liability for the actions of the bishops it is feels free to appoint is simply wrong.  Either the Pope, the Conference of Bishops and the diplomatically appointed Nunios are is in charge and therefore accountable or they are not.  Put in those terms, there is not argument.

As for the legality of abortion, it is different from the morality of it.  Far different.  One can condemn it and refuse to give the state a role in restricting it - which is what the Church should do - rather than hoping that there is some way that governments can actually outlaw abortion without simply leaving the tragedy of abortion in place while spreading the carnage to women and girls.  The Church has aligned itself with some nasty characters, from third world autocrats to the American Republican Party, in service to its pious wish that abortion can be regulated by the state - especially in a world of increasingly natural rights republics (rather than unfettered parliaments).  Instead, it should focus on state actions which make having a child economically favorable - such as raising the minimum wage and enlarging a child tax credit.

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