Thursday, February 27, 2014

Robert Christian on the Inconsistent Consistent Ethic of Life | National Catholic Reporter

Robert Christian on the Inconsistent Consistent Ethic of Life | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: An excellent article by Robert Christian (who commented on comments when he was covering for MSW).  I agree with including Just War - and I suspect non-Catholic pro-life Republicans would too (sorry Robert).  I would go farther and add that some capital punishment is necessary if the condemned will become a predator in prison - and if you prevent that in a life of solitary confinement in a SuperMax you are making the State his cause of death anyway after first destroying his mind - which is more cruel than the needle.  Of course, if the pro-life movement goes down such a slippery slope (it won't, as its real purpose is still Republican voting - the shades consistent ethic of life are simply cosmetic to hide this fact), it may see that the issue is danger, not the innocence of the victim.  Suddenly it makes no sense to NOT abort some late term pregnancies that will never survive to birth but are dangerous to the mother to carry (and some no so late pregnancies).  While I would insist on induction rather than dismemberment, the slippery slope has been crossed - because economic danger and social danger are then open to consideration.  The question for pro-lifers would then be not how to ban abortion or end the death penalty, but when to allow the amelioration of physical danger with abortion as a last resort and how to remove economic and social danger by public policy and by changing how we teach young people about sex.  If being caught pregnant is a cause for shame, then it is the Churches who are indirectly promoting abortion.  Robert and MSW could never say these things, nor would they be likely to - even though they are true.

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