Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hahn Trashes Bernardin | National Catholic Reporter

Hahn Trashes Bernardin | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The WSJ is now a NewsCorp rag with an editorial page dedicated to advancing the Republican Party, just as FoxNews is.  There is no reducing religion to ethics here - as ethics makes sense (probably more so than the Magisterium - which is about teaching authority rather than truth).  There is no legalism in Hahn either - only the political agenda.  The whole pro-life movement from the GOP side reeks of politics, not a desire to end abortion (which would be bad for their business line).  The Seamless Gospel of Life is actually about reducing abortion - again, bad for the GOP> Worse is the possibility that people who really are concerned with Life will go along with economic means to make Life possible for women who chose to not only have, but keep, their children.  Such people are likely to not vote Republican anymore (or contribute or campaign).  In other words, the bottom line is not even politics - it is MONEY for the GOP/Pro-Life establishment, which sadly the bishops collude with (some more than others - can you say Simony? (in this case the teaching office of the bishop for worldly acclaim in the GOP).

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