Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WaPo on Gay Catholics | National Catholic Reporter

WaPo on Gay Catholics | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: What must really be said is that the Church's conception of a natural order outside of human experience is a sham.  Ratzinger/Benedict was using natural law reasoning - and badly I might add - to escape from the logical cunundrum of a Church accepting sexuality as a gift from God, with unitive sexuality as valid as conception.  Indeed, since conception is rare, most sex is unitive - and when the female is is of a certain age - entirely divorced from conception.  He had to strike to avoid the sentiment that if people were created gay and were good, and sexuality is God given and therefore good, that homesexual sex - at least the monogamous variety - also must be good.  This is another case where slippery hierarchical reasoning and culture have led to a loss of credibility by the Church - who should be performing gay unions rather than fighting them (which is a losing battle given the number of gay priests who will quietly bless them anyway - and may secretly form them as well).

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