Monday, November 25, 2013

The O'Malley Family Plumber | National Catholic Reporter

The O'Malley Family Plumber | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Actually, the family plumber story reflects how in the days of the Cardinal's childhood, Catholics were insular.  Indeed, you can still look in the back of most bulletins if you want a Catholic plumber, mortician or florist.  It is probably better now, when people don't rely on affiliation to include some or exclude others - this is now considered bigotry.  It is definitely a plus that the laity is being consulted in the latest outreach.  We have a lot to say about what they are asking - which hopefully will result in more than a report sent to Vatican City to gather dust in the archives (like the one commissioned to examine contraception before the fiat of Humanae Vitae.

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