Friday, November 1, 2013

2013 American Values Survey: Libertarians | National Catholic Reporter

2013 American Values Survey: Libertarians | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Are you familiar with the Ryan chart?  It looks at the dicotomy between relgion and authority on both economic and social grounds.  There are pure libertarians, there are conservative economic libertarian/social authoritarians and liberal economic authoritarians/social libertarians, as well as totalitarians who insist on authority in both economic and social spheres (say, the slave power in the antebellum and segregationist South).  Also, interestingly enough, there ARE religious libertarians - indeed, some of us are libertarian regarding our religion.  Indeed, we wonder why everyone is not? Is freedom not God's ultimate gift to man?  Is the hierarchy, especially the Catholic hierarchy, really perfect in its evolution - given that its social structure is best regarded as authoritarian medievalism?  It is not difficult to be both pro-church and enjoy the celebration of the sacraments and pro-gay as well (and a bit ant-clerical).  A simple knowledge of biology would dictate that this is the ONLY sane view.

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