Friday, November 29, 2013

Evangelii Gaudium: Additional Impressions | National Catholic Reporter

Evangelii Gaudium: Additional Impressions | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I am an economist and Francis is right.  I also am familiar with cultural theory and that brand of economics known as libertarian socialism - which is an anarchic way to replace both capitalism (but not the free market) and government (with communal self government).  Capitalism, of course, is a product of Calvinism, particularly that version found in the United States.  While they believe in global Christianity - it is a muscal version which as capitalism as one of its components - at least until they are raptured.  In truth, primitive Christianity also believed in an imminent return ant the salvation of all the people, not just individuals.  It still does - although the return is personal.  The salvation of society, however, has never left the divine agenda.  Yes that salvation includes ending abortion - however accomplishing the economic goals the Pope sets out are the best way to protect the unborn - not somehow criminalizing their mothers or their doctors.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Samuel Gregg on Evangelii Gaudium | National Catholic Reporter

Samuel Gregg on Evangelii Gaudium | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: It is what we expected - it did not disappoint.  Radical libertarians such as Gregg do not understand that Capitalism is the method by which the powerful restrict both product markets and the labor market.  It is the antithesis of the free market.  Indeed, the only real way to get a free market for labor is to shift to a libertarian socialist solution, which I have described in the past in great detail - including today.  While Lord Acton would agree with critcizing the papacy, I doubt if he would criticise this particular pope.  This is as shameful as the Susan B. Anthony Committee lying about whether the Affordable Care Act mandates the public funding of abortion (any more than the tax code already does) while eliminating moderate, pro-life, Democrats from Congress.  Susan would be spinning in her crave over such use of her name.

"Those who practice mercy do not fear death" | National Catholic Reporter

"Those who practice mercy do not fear death" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: His line on practical atheistm is interesting in light of his new Encyclical - athough one must not dismiss atheists to cavelierly - as they hold up a mirror that the Church needs to look at in their criticism of how it behaves.

Evangelii Gaudium: Second Impressions | National Catholic Reporter

Evangelii Gaudium: Second Impressions | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: We must not only reach out to the poor in the streets and those who are chronically poor - we must also encounter the working poor in our midst.  They and their children have as much right to a decent standard of living as we do.  There are three ways we can pursue this.  The first is to simply excommunicate Catholic business owners and shareholders who don't provide a living wage.  The second is for the Church to provide an example and pay a living wage to its employees - giving them $12,000 for every child and every additional child.  Because the free market cannot provide such a wage, we need to seek a refundable tax credit divided between the state and federal governments to provide $1000 per month per child against either the employee's taxes or the taxes of the employer if we shift from income to consumption taxes.  Such taxes are no burden to the poor with the $12,000 a year tax cut.

The real cause of homelessness is the libertarian judicial and legislative decisions in the 1970s that emptield the asylums, giving people the right to refuse much needed treatment and cutting the number of available beds.  A way out of this is to enact a consumption tax on business and either adequately fund governmental services or provide a tax credit for either providing these services to employees and their families or allowing workers to choose who provides those services in society.  The same approach can be undergone to expand Catholic education - but with adequate fudning tht does not decrease the public education system.    It can also be used to get the Church into the business of adult education and vocational education - ending the biaas in Catholic education toward sending peole to college - although if poor peoplse are found who can pursue such studies that should, of course be encouraged.  Part of encountering the poor is moving the Church to take over for the state - but with adequate funding.  This is another form of libertarianism - libertarian socialism.

As for abortion, the libertarian conviction that the Church would regulate it badly is still true - just as it could never successfully ban smoking or re-enact the prohibition of alcohol - or stand in the way of efforts to finally medicalize the drug war and end the fixation with marijuana.  The golden calf symbolism is correct, however.  In ancient times, children were sacrificed to Baal for the well being of the community.  Abortion is such a sacrifice - although the way to stop it is to fight poverty among the working poor and makde teenage parenthood something to bcelebrated rather than a danger to the future of a young woman.

A final topic is the problem of worker empowerment in capitalism itself.  The solution is not to tame capitalism, it is to abolish it.  We need to shift to mutalism, aka libertarian socialism (like we have in American farm cooperatives and the Basque have in Mondragon and the Italians in Emelio Romanga.  There are a few ways to get there.  One is to increase the taxes on capital gains when selling shares to anyone but an Employee Stock Ownership Plan.  Two is to reform Social Security so that employee contributions are funded by a Net Business Receipts Tax (a subtraction VAT), with contributions being equal to each worker, regardless of wage and with the ability to divert these contributions to purchasing employer voting stock.  The third is to allow union pension funds to reduce diversification and invest 67% in the employing company, rather than the 10% currently allowed - while considering franchisees as arms of the base company so that they can be unionized more easily with retirement savings added to the union pension fund, which would be voted for the benefit of workers as workers (becoming a form of employee democrachy), rather than investing for simply the financial interest of the employees (which may lead to lay offs to maximize short term profit).

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

HHS Mandate Heads to Supremes | National Catholic Reporter

HHS Mandate Heads to Supremes | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB:  This was expected - given that there is federal precident supporting exactly the same law as passed in New York.  Indeed, it is hoped that the arguments will include the fact that contraceptive coverage has been included in all preventative health insurance policies since December 2000.  This case is really much ado about nothing at all - it was an entirely political fight.  I hope that the Court does not glorify that fight nor use it as an opening to relitigate Roe v. Wade or even Griswold v. Connecticut.  I still maintain that because health insurance is a mandatory program, that employers attempting to interfere with contraception use by their employees is equivalent to having the state do it - which is forbidden. An individual employee right of privacy is more important than the group rights of Churches.  Any other conclusion sets equal protection jursidprudence, especially regarding sex, on its head.

Wassup at Congregation for Bishops? | National Catholic Reporter

Wassup at Congregation for Bishops? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I agree with getting rid of Burke - although local election would be a good replacement for the Conference's current functions - although having them follow bishops for orthodoxy regarding the new focus of the papacy might be expanded greatly if the election of bishops was local.

A Beautiful Prayer to Mary | National Catholic Reporter

A Beautiful Prayer to Mary | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: This is very well done - both because it is bilingual and because of who it entrusts to Mary's care (including the undocumented).  Every really good Marian prayer includes the prophetic mention of the need for justice.

Berkowitz: "Saudis & Israelis Know Best" | National Catholic Reporter

Berkowitz: "Saudis & Israelis Know Best" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Berkowitz is an unreformed Zionist whose unable to see that Iran never was going to produce weapons (but might appear to as a negotiating chip) because using a bomb against Israel would kill more Arabs then Jews.

Evangelii Gaudium: First Impressions | National Catholic Reporter

Evangelii Gaudium: First Impressions | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Thanks for providing the information that goes above and beyond the takeaway most people are reporting condemning libertarianism in economics (although I suspect he has not studied mutualism, or libertarian socialist anarchism).  While there is ground between neo-gnosticism and the authoritarian sourpusses - we must always remember that natural law is about man and how he (or she) lives in the world.  Morality must be human-centric because it concerns human behavior and happiness - and not just the eternal kind. Indeed, if only eternal happiness is important, morality is like a weight around one's neck.  Only the sourpusses believe in that kind of morality.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Romero Statue Unveiled in LA | National Catholic Reporter

Romero Statue Unveiled in LA | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Sadly, the statue is likely more welcome in L.A. than in San Salvador - where U.S. financed supporters martryed Romero in the first place.  No one likes to think that the blood is on our hands and those of our president at the time - but it is still true.

The O'Malley Family Plumber | National Catholic Reporter

The O'Malley Family Plumber | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Actually, the family plumber story reflects how in the days of the Cardinal's childhood, Catholics were insular.  Indeed, you can still look in the back of most bulletins if you want a Catholic plumber, mortician or florist.  It is probably better now, when people don't rely on affiliation to include some or exclude others - this is now considered bigotry.  It is definitely a plus that the laity is being consulted in the latest outreach.  We have a lot to say about what they are asking - which hopefully will result in more than a report sent to Vatican City to gather dust in the archives (like the one commissioned to examine contraception before the fiat of Humanae Vitae.

Conservative Critique of Libertarianism | National Catholic Reporter

Conservative Critique of Libertarianism | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The libertarian world view is ultimately a belief that each individual makes up his or her own mind on how their life is to be lived - not his king, president, bishop or pope.  Further, the libertarian socialist view is that alternative providers - rather than the government - are better at providing services from education to the eradication of poverty.  There is nothing wrong with either sentiment - even from a Catholic point of view.

Dealing With the Devil in Geneva | National Catholic Reporter

Dealing With the Devil in Geneva | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The agreement was inevitable because the Iranians have always insisted that they did not desire weaponization and would consider the use of such weapons to be immoral.  Only the US has ever used these weapons in anger.  The work was in how to make what was already known to be obvious to a skeptical world community.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Francis: "Solidarity Like a Swear Word" | National Catholic Reporter

Francis: "Solidarity Like a Swear Word" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Actually, it is what Catholic business owners and shareholders need to ponder.  This is not an academic question.  To draw an even more precise question, will such owners and stockholders guaranteed that each employee is paid a wage commensurate with their family size (and is the Church doing likewise) - and if small businesses can't afford it - will these business owners and shareholders call for tax subsidies to make up the gap?  Solidarity is not some political structure - it is making all responsible for all - in essence it is the Communist ideal.

Pittsburg Diocese Wins Injunction (and More!) | National Catholic Reporter

Pittsburg Diocese Wins Injunction (and More!) | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: This is a disappointment for truth and embryology and the rights of workers.  It also violates the precidents under which Catholic Charities of NY lost when challenging the NY state law.  This makdes things less certain, no more certain, and will lead to a SCOTUS case.  This wold be an unlikely vehicle indeed to try to reopen Roe, although given the chance the right wing will try (and fail again as the number of Justices who support Roe is still seven.

The Death of the Filibuster | National Catholic Reporter

The Death of the Filibuster | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: If the Senate were Republican now, people would not consider this good news.  Indeed, the House is now considered the center of obstruction BECAUSE its majority is sticking together.  As for Scalia, if Ted Kennedy had better information when he was nominated, he would have been fillibustered.  I am shocked that Thomas was not.  Still, the GOP has little chance of winning a majority in 2014 in the Senate and a big chance of losing it in the House.

Hypocrisy of the Stinkiest Kind | National Catholic Reporter

Hypocrisy of the Stinkiest Kind | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: He should give back his salary.

Gehring on CCHD | National Catholic Reporter

Gehring on CCHD | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I would rather give to this appeal than the annual Bishop's Appeal, which often funds political positions I do not agree with.

RI Health Exchange Lacks Plan W/Out Abortion Coverage | National Catholic Reporter

RI Health Exchange Lacks Plan W/Out Abortion Coverage | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The reality is that in the private sector, it is almost impossible to find a comprehensive plan without abortion services - especially in a small state.  Given the obtuseness of the USCCB on health care reform, I am not feeling any particular urgency in rewarding their ill will with action on this issue.  They needed to think of this when they opposed reform for the purposes of Republican coalition politics.

Bp Paprocki's Exorcism | National Catholic Reporter

Bp Paprocki's Exorcism | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The bishop is acting out of fear - not fear that Catholics will get civil same sex unions, but that they and their families will demand such unions in the Church.  He also fears that a largely gay clergy will quietly comply - and might even request such a right for themselves - or else that they might leave the clergy to get married (or not join in the first place).  He is right to be afraid.  This issue came about because Catholic hospitals were notoriously badly behaved in denying familial access to long time companions rather than recognizing them as next of kin - often enlisting the families in working for a death bed renunciation of the relationship when no such renunciation is required for the sick or dying person to be fine with God.  It is never a sin to love.  Of course, if the Church recognized this, it would be admitting error - and every bishop greatly fears doing that.

Vatican embassy move draws fire from former US envoys | National Catholic Reporter

Vatican embassy move draws fire from former US envoys | National Catholic Reporter If they wanted to send a stinging message they would require the Nuncio to move to the Italian Embassy in Washington.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Working Poor at Wal-Mart | National Catholic Reporter

The Working Poor at Wal-Mart | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Wal-Mart already helps its associates apply for Medicaid, although the Medicaid expansion would allow them to increase hours and still not have their workers lose their benefits.  The ACA itself is here for the working poor of higher wage.  I work an even lower paid job in a cinema - but most of my fellow associates are teenagers in their parents homes or in college and have insurance that way.  I also have to work on Thanksgiving - and unlike retail employees - no one is complaining about my plight - mostly because they want to see The Hunger Games.

Berkowitz on Shavit | National Catholic Reporter

Berkowitz on Shavit | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Israel must  be secular, deeply religious (practicing Torah prohibitions against molesting the alien) or divided - with the Arab and Palestianian portions leaving its orbit and entering the orbit of Jordan - or even a larger, post-Syria, pan-Arab kingdom (meaning from the Lebanon to Iraq). Israel will never regain the Holy of Holies until one of the latter two options.  Granting a right of return to the Romany, who descend from The Northern Kingdom, is probably also part of the deal.

"Getting" Pope Francis, or Not | National Catholic Reporter

"Getting" Pope Francis, or Not | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Monsignor Pope does not understand that the moral law is to be soothing to human suffering (a sinful lifestyle, like promiscuity or addiction, is rarely a happy one).  If moral laws are promulgated that increase suffering, like calling homosexuality disordered in order to find a justification not to accept gay marriage, then this teaching does not come from God.  Ethics, by the way, is an essential element of religion - the scriptures are full of it, from Leviticus, to Sirach to the Pauline letters.  What we must not, do, however, is to deify such teachings - which are all based on the natural law teaching of the time.

It is time to democratize natural law teaching. The curial monopoly on it amounts to Relativism because it tries to Catholicize reason - even when what the Church teaches is against reason and evidence (such as the beleif that life begins or must be protected at conception - when gastrulation is the better choice).  While you and Gomez may disagree with adding materialistic evidence to the discussion, if calling evidence you simply can't accept materialism is the gist of the argument then your argument is lost.  Morality is all about what is best for Man, not some theological abstraction of what God demands - since God has no interest in human morality (or salvation for that matter) except for love for man in a way that makes us happy - even in this world.

In the old theological debates heretics were condemned, executed and attacked by mobs.  While the CDF (aka the Inquisition) still can condemn what it can't accept - which may lead to loss of ministry and pay, at least they no longer have the power to execute anyone (and not for lack of trying by the Church to keep the Papal States alive).

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

OUCH! Peppard Spanks Russell Moore | National Catholic Reporter

OUCH! Peppard Spanks Russell Moore | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: It is sad that the Church has taken the role of the oppressor, like the Pharasees before them.  Indeed, the tools of the state have been in their tool box since Emperor Constantine, even though it often uses the language of the persecuted rather than that of the oppressor (except when suppressing dissent).

Pope Francis: Church Must Not Be Insular | National Catholic Reporter

Pope Francis: Church Must Not Be Insular | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I disagree.  The Good News of both divine mercy and justice for the poor should be proclaimed boldly, as Christ proclaimed it.

Pope Francis on "Adolescent Progressivism" | National Catholic Reporter

Pope Francis on "Adolescent Progressivism" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The Holy Father misunderstands Paganism.  There are not actually pagan gods - rather they are archetypes for better understanding human nature and society.  Given yesterday's comments on whether homosexuality is disordered, pagans seem to do a better job of this than some in the Church.

Fasting For Families | National Catholic Reporter

Fasting For Families | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Fasting is about deepening one's personal search for truth by seeking humility before the Throne of God.  It should not be an attempt to change God's mind - which it cannot do, even if sincerely tried.

Good News for Fort Worth | National Catholic Reporter

Good News for Fort Worth | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: For many, Theological College is considered a liberal outpost, so this is good news indeed for the Church.

How the Morally Pristine Can Cripple the Church | National Catholic Reporter

How the Morally Pristine Can Cripple the Church | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Olmsted is doing whatever he can to put party over truth.  He is also wrong on birth control being evil, since life begins at gastrulation, not conception.  Such an admission would help the cause of life, because it would definitvely show when life really does begin, not just where it might begin.  Catholic doctrine has also long excepted that if hormonal birth control is used for health reasons, not the intent to prevent pregnancy, it is morally licit.  You can't judge that at the sign up stage.  Indeed, the cost of such care is trivial compared with the benefit of health care - which might actually prevent limitations on family size because it makes the next child more affordable than would otherwise be the case.

WaPo on Gay Catholics | National Catholic Reporter

WaPo on Gay Catholics | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: What must really be said is that the Church's conception of a natural order outside of human experience is a sham.  Ratzinger/Benedict was using natural law reasoning - and badly I might add - to escape from the logical cunundrum of a Church accepting sexuality as a gift from God, with unitive sexuality as valid as conception.  Indeed, since conception is rare, most sex is unitive - and when the female is is of a certain age - entirely divorced from conception.  He had to strike to avoid the sentiment that if people were created gay and were good, and sexuality is God given and therefore good, that homesexual sex - at least the monogamous variety - also must be good.  This is another case where slippery hierarchical reasoning and culture have led to a loss of credibility by the Church - who should be performing gay unions rather than fighting them (which is a losing battle given the number of gay priests who will quietly bless them anyway - and may secretly form them as well).

Obamacare Working Just Fine in WA, KY & CT | National Catholic Reporter

Obamacare Working Just Fine in WA, KY & CT | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Or, as Rachel Maddow reports, the have not been bought by the Koch Brothers and their State Policy Network. We are likely to see Blue State and Red State health care, although this may backfire on the Tea Party as the poor begin to demand care anyway.  We may indeed see a true test of Marxian theory in our midsts.

MSW Praises Chaput: Hell to Freeze Over Soon! | National Catholic Reporter

MSW Praises Chaput: Hell to Freeze Over Soon! | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Actually, the poor have a powerful lobby in Washington - the Church.  That is what was so troubling on Valerie Jarrett's gambit on contraception.  It damaged the working relationship between the Church and the White House - although I suspect Fr. Larry, Sr. Simone and Sr. Carol still take the White House's calls - and vice versa.  Only the bishops seem slow to come around - as well as USCCB staff - who also seem to have retaliated against the sisters for their support of the Affordable Care Act and their inability to be bullied on this issue - or any other.  As for "peculiar sexuality" - that is a consequence of self honesty, not the consumer culture or poverty.

As for Chaput - I think he is finally realizing he needs to get with the program Pope Francis is advancing.  Like any hierarchist, one never knows what he really thinks.

Friday, November 15, 2013

WA State Bishops on Coal | National Catholic Reporter

WA State Bishops on Coal | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The poor are impacted, but so are the limosine liberals who have beach houses or rent them annually (although not in Washington state).  Their flood concern is more undersea earthquakes and vulcanism right there in Seattle.  The sea levels may rise due to coal - or coal use may counteract what is going on naturally, which is environmental cooling.  When Baffin Island is able to support the growth of crops, like it did when my Viking ancestors settled there, I will worry about warming.  The reason to care about warming affecting the poor is the problem of poverty itself, not the problem of warming.

Faith & Immigration | National Catholic Reporter

Faith & Immigration | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I think the Rabbi means emigration from Germany - and how difficult it was to get into any nation to escape Hitler, especially the U.S.  Sadly, their brothers the Romany are still left to wander Europe rather than being allowed to return to Zion. This issue is why the convert the Jews movement by Jews for Jesus and the Evangelicals is so tragicomic.  The remnant of Israel was converted - both the Sumarians and the Israelite exiles in India - soon after the time of Jesus.  Most of us have even transitioned from Romany Christianity to Catholicism.  The prophetic feature is not Jewish conversion, but our return to Zion.

Obama's Mea Culpa | National Catholic Reporter

Obama's Mea Culpa | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: There are good trash policies and bad trash policies.  I have had one of the latter and I cancelled it.  I wish they would go away - of course, the step to save them requires that the Republican compromise with the Democrats over how this will happen.  The Republicans are not capable of this, so I suspect this is yet another trap to show GOP ineptitude.  Besides that, while Obama promised that people who liked their policies could keep them, he never implied that this included the kind of insurance temporary employees are forced to receive.  The December 2009 reporting on this was quite clear.  While the POTUS could apologize for giving the wrong impression by not being clear, the Republican meme that he is a liar is gratuitous and he only reinforces it by caving on this issue.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Pro-Life, Anti-Maternity-Care? I Don't Think So" | National Catholic Reporter

"Pro-Life, Anti-Maternity-Care? I Don't Think So" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: A very valid point, missed by many Catholic conservatives.

Helping a Young Man in Need | National Catholic Reporter

Helping a Young Man in Need | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: If we were not struggling, I might have sent a check - which would give me the right to note that in the future he would be covered by the Affordable Care Act.  Still, I pray for his recovery and note that his hospital bills, while steep, can likely go unpaid without consequence if he has no coverage.

Chaput Claims He Did Not Criticize Pope Francis | National Catholic Reporter

Chaput Claims He Did Not Criticize Pope Francis | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Not being direct is a hallmark of hierarchists, which this Pope is definitely not.  Francis is a committed egalitarian.  What is heartbreaking is not the disloyalty, but the fact that the other bishops are not also egalitarians first and foremost.  It turns the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday in their diocese into a sham.

Koch Brothers Give $1 Mil to CUA | National Catholic Reporter

Koch Brothers Give $1 Mil to CUA | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I hope there is at least one libertarian socialist on the facutly (like there is at University of Maryland) so that the money can make real progress - not just be a source for seminars the sugar coat the evils of capitalism.

The "Sanity Caucus" Wins | National Catholic Reporter

The "Sanity Caucus" Wins | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Some type of definition of what is and is not a religious organization is necessary or Taco Bell could claim to be a religious group to not cover contraception.  Second, contraception is not evil - as life really does begin at gastrulation and stopping potential human life is not evil.  The evil in contraception is that it is used as a way to dodge the economic justice issue of a living wage linked to family size.  Natural family planning is no better on this score.  If the Church wants to "do good" on this, it should pay a living wage to all its employees - giving a $1000 a month raise when a new child is born.  Not to do so is not only cooperating with evil, it is evil. (and that includes schools, colleges and hospitals that the bishops would quickly try to say are not their problem given such a mandate).

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cardinal DiNardo, the new kingmaker? | National Catholic Reporter

Cardinal DiNardo, the new kingmaker? | National Catholic Reporter by Reese.  MB: Sadly, he cannot have a a say on retirements as well - or maybe he can!   He can likely keep Chaput from getting a red hat - and that would be a very good thing.

The Goofy Left at USCCB Meeting | National Catholic Reporter

The Goofy Left at USCCB Meeting | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Baby lamb chops?  Is that what they serve in stretch HumVees?  These guys are looney.  The way to get to bishops is through their donors, not by accosting them at USCCB meetings.  Protests with a few dozen people who can be thrown out of a lobby are easily ignored and probably a source of amusement.  Rallies of thousands or tens of thousands at an alternate venue will attract its own press coverage.  Civil disobedience works at the grass roots level, not at the top - and only if the grass roots are the problem - like at lunch counters.  No one will notice anything short of a March on Baltimore and the submission of protest letters in lieu of cash during the annual Bishops' Lenten Appeal.

Just War v. Pacifism | National Catholic Reporter

Just War v. Pacifism | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: And then, of course, there was Operation Iraqi Liberation, as it was originally called.  We all know what that was about.  Of course, the objective was not really reached.

"Vulture Funds" | National Catholic Reporter

"Vulture Funds" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The answer is more robust international law and reform in the civil law that simply does not allow vulture funds to do this.  Of course, such reform is hard to pass because the vultures usually have their hooks into Congress and other national legislatures.  Getting rid of capitalism is still the best idea here.

Baltimore: Homecoming | National Catholic Reporter

Baltimore: Homecoming | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The USCCB, like the Church, is a human organization. Indeed, it is a hierarchist organization so that it is fraught with the pathologies of hierarchism, which can be extreme as the examples from the past point out.  Of course, this can be a good thing under the regime of this pope, as in such organizations the young turks eventually figure out they must conform.  Others will simply age out.  The question is, what will all this progress mean for how they deal with the Lay Caste and the issues that are important to us - from equality in economics to equality in sexuality?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What do the USCCB elections mean? | National Catholic Reporter

What do the USCCB elections mean? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I love the ending and I fear that you are right about them.  Luckily, there is a mandatory retirement age.

Committee Chairmen Elections | National Catholic Reporter

Committee Chairmen Elections | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Amazing that they gave Child Protection to someone who must literally travel across the country to run it.  Thank goodness for Skype!

New Vice President: Cardinal DiNardo | National Catholic Reporter

New Vice President: Cardinal DiNardo | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Keeping the ego of Chaput out of the vice presidency is a very good thing for the Church in America.  Pity it took a run-off.  This shows how entrenched the right wing is in the Church.

Kurtz Elected President | National Catholic Reporter

Kurtz Elected President | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: This is kind of a repudiation of Dolan, who jumped out of line when he became President.

Ignoring & Attacking the Pope | National Catholic Reporter

Ignoring & Attacking the Pope | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The deliniation of the secular makes religion stronger.  As for young people, Sal is dreaming if he thinks they are suddenly going to change their minds on marriage equality - or once they become sexually active not change their parochial school views on abortion.  As for the bishops election, I write after they have occurred, so I will not comment further on them.

Cordileone Still at Barricades | National Catholic Reporter

Cordileone Still at Barricades | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The Archbishop is, as usual, badly advised. He needs to fire his lawyers and pay someone to explain to him the meaning of public accommodations law under the Civil Rights Act.  He is afraid that someone will try to force him to perform gay weddings.  He is right, someone will.  The faithful who have gay children (and his own priests, some of whom - probably half, are gay themselves).

Mass Attendance Up in Italy and UK | National Catholic Reporter

Mass Attendance Up in Italy and UK | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Its nice news and proves the point by the new atheists - although they did not directly make it - that the leadership is responsible for driving people away - not the free society or the sexual revolution.

BIG Religious Liberty Threat | National Catholic Reporter

BIG Religious Liberty Threat | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I agree, Supreme Court precident does not permit civil courts to order the defrocking of a priest - however that action can certainly be part of a consent decree once Rome approves.  The bishop has already been replaced, if memory serves, so the only thing left is to fire the lawyers who were culpable in the cover up.  They should also be sanctioned by the bar.  By the way, this is the big issue the bishops are going after on the religious liberty cases.  They want a right of organizational liberty established so that they can avoid prosectuion - not just not buy birth control.

More Francis Breeze Wafts Thru B'More | National Catholic Reporter

More Francis Breeze Wafts Thru B'More | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: How they get our opinions is not nearly as important as what they will do with them.  We've been burned before.  Also, what needs to be said may not be what a random survey will turn up.  The could save themselves cost and buy copies of Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens, Harris and Ali - or of anyone else the Inquisition has chosen to censure among the theologians.  As for understanding Natural Law - they need to ask non-Catholic philosophers and get ready for an earful.  They might realize that their interpretation is the height of relativism - because it depends on authority and group dynamics rather than reason, argument and, yes, evidence.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Dolan Re-Directs the USCCB | National Catholic Reporter

Dolan Re-Directs the USCCB | National Catholic Reporter MSW.  MGB: I think this is called redirection.  Considering that he responded to  Valerie Jarrett's invitiation to embarrass himself in the War on Women, it is good that he is trying to save face and move on.  Still, the rest of us won't forget what an ass he made of himself.

A Nuncio Divided Against Himself | National Catholic Reporter

A Nuncio Divided Against Himself | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: We are honoring and also repudiating soon  to be St. John Paul II.  This is one of those things about the Church that never changes.  That our Nuncio is a friend of the current Holy Father is a good thing for the spirit of reform - not so much for certain bishops who want to take a red pen to his writings and those of his predecessor.

German Tug-of-War | National Catholic Reporter

German Tug-of-War | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Delightful.  It is time to not only reign in, but END the Inquisition.  The assume the other bishops and all the faithful are heretics.  No more!

First Breeze of Francis | National Catholic Reporter

First Breeze of Francis | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Good news for immigration reform.  Hoepfully we will hear more from McCarrick.

Our Soldiers & Vets: MSW Bites The Hand That Feeds | National Catholic Reporter

Our Soldiers & Vets: MSW Bites The Hand That Feeds | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Our veterans and active duty personnel signed up to serve in an all volunteer military because the nation had been attacked.  The prior generation went to Viet Nam because it was drafted.  Either way, they did not vote on where to go to fight and why or on how the war is conducted.  War is part of a larger American foreign policy that, sadly, is as beholden to our economic interests as it is to our security interests. (It was originally called Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL) for a reason - although that did not work out so well.  We are at least less blatant then we were 100 years ago in the banana wars, where we sent troops to protect our interest in central American fruit.  The problem with militarism is not really militarism, it is Capitalism (and for my libertarian friends, I mean crony capitalism, not the free market - which does not need military protection).  The Church DOES have an opinion on that - especially under this Pope.  In this country, I believe the solution is to demilitarize but also redirect the defense industry toward space exploration.  Until you thow it a bone, militarism will continue to haunt us.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

RC Leaders Urge Bishops to Defend Anti-Poverty Programs | National Catholic Reporter

RC Leaders Urge Bishops to Defend Anti-Poverty Programs | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: If the Bishops think Francis is looking, they will not do the stupid thing and listen to the right wingers.  Of course, some of them are as stupid as other Tea Party Republicans.  We will see how the election of the USCCB President goes - which is a good temperature check on this issue (the reverse is also true).

Capehart Has a Point | National Catholic Reporter

Capehart Has a Point | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Rudy had a lousy campaign strategy, as did Hillary when she ignored the caucus states and assumed she would get those delegates.  Christie is more comparable to Romney and McCain.  Did not win but did get the nomination.  As I posted other places, the establishment will get Christie nominated but won't make him a winner nationally unless his likely opponent (Hillary) messes up really badly at or after the convention.

Blomberg on Town of Greece v. Galloway | National Catholic Reporter

Blomberg on Town of Greece v. Galloway | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The most interesting point is that if the government got into the "which prayer is appropriate?" business the free exercise on anyone leading a prayer would be damaged.  Indeed, one of the results of the suit is that non-Christians have come forth to lead prayers in Greece.  The Court could have ruled the question moot due to that fact, but did not.  Still, I wonder what they would do if a Wiccan volunteered to lead a prayer to the Mother Goddess - or if a Satanist came forward (of course, Satanists are mostly atheists who are protesting what they see as persection BY the Church).

Fr. Dwight vs. Cardinal Oscar | National Catholic Reporter

Fr. Dwight vs. Cardinal Oscar | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Longenecker has every reason to be upset - in the emerging Pope Francis run Church, his ilk will never make bishop.  He is simply showing his envy.

With 'ACE,' Catholic ed has a good thing going | National Catholic Reporter

With 'ACE,' Catholic ed has a good thing going | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The educational reform movement has now hit Catholic schools!  Probably a good thing, as many of them are declining due to the loss of cheap labor from the Sisters and Nuns.  While some schools become elite private schools, others do turn into charter schools - like the inner-city schools in Washington, DC.  Of course, if this goes from more donations to public money, we need to consider unionizing Catholic charter schools - and instead of continuing to push for vouchers or tuition tax credits, we must increase total educational revenue in the public sector - offsetting what would have been spent on tuition with a tax increase on the income classes that send their kids to private schools (either property or income).

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Garnett on Town of Greece v. Galloway | National Catholic Reporter

Garnett on Town of Greece v. Galloway | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: While the practices in Greece have been around for over 200 years, Greece itself has changed.  It may be time for its practices to change too - sadly, there are those who wish to pray loudly on street corners where everyone can hear instead of behind locked doors where only the Father can hear and will respond.

"Our Lampedusas of the Heart" | National Catholic Reporter

"Our Lampedusas of the Heart" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: They are not only held at the border.  Immigrant detainees are held everywhere, including Lewisburg FCI in Pennsylvania.  They can all probabl find some form of immigrant detention in or near their own diocese.  That is how big the problem is.  Of course, it is correct that the desserts of the southwest are as deadly as the Mediteranian Sea (or the waters around Florida or Australia).

Fr. Dwight Longenecker Replies | National Catholic Reporter

Fr. Dwight Longenecker Replies | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Being an agry scold at the culture is one thing.  Being a loud mouthed bully is quite another.  Someone should remind the good Father that when Jesus was angry, it was at conservatives of his day.

The "Shrinking Evangelical Base" | National Catholic Reporter

The "Shrinking Evangelical Base" | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Old white people are dying off and have not replaced themselves while Latino immigrants, largely with the assistance of Catholic Charities, are making the transition to voting citizens.  As importantly, McDonnell and Cuccinelli, while they went to Regent and Liberty respectively, are Roman Catholic (as is MacAuliffe).  Those who are still anti-Catholic likely sat this one out.

Raising the Curtain on the USCCB Mtg: Part II | National Catholic Reporter

Raising the Curtain on the USCCB Mtg: Part II | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: It was not child sex abuse where the faithful stopped listening to the Bishops, it was Humanae Vitae.  The papacy and the USCCB are badly staffed on all things sexual, which is why most of the bishops really don't want the bad news that the conversation with the laity will bring.  Indeed, hierarchists hate bad news and they certainly don't shame eachother into doing what is right on the Dallas Charter.  As far as marriage, they need to prayerfully reflect on the Church's role in causing the call for same sex marriage to occur.  Had Catholic hospitals not botched how they treated long time companions in situations of extremis, there would have been less of a call for a legal solution.  Now that marriage is opening the doors for family support of these unions, it will be Catholic families rather than the state that will call for the Church to celebrate gay weddings - as it did before 1000 AD.  As for the legality of physician assited suicide - St. Thomas More seems to disagree with the bishops in his Utopia.  What I am surprised at is that immigration reform did not make the top 5 things to address.  It should be number one!

CACG's Survey | National Catholic Reporter

CACG's Survey | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I am quite sure that the responses CACG would gather are not what the USCCB wants you to see (or wants to see it self or let the Pope see).

Rand Paul "Spanked" by Wash Times | National Catholic Reporter

Rand Paul "Spanked" by Wash Times | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I suspect that the interns who love Wikipedia in Rand Paul's office will be looking for jobs shortly.  Of course, I sadly believe that some of these were not interns.  Mores the pity.  If the Senator is to be believed, he may actually be leaving his seat over this flap - or he could simply be crying wolf.  We shall soon see.

Tornielli on Ratzinger | National Catholic Reporter

Tornielli on Ratzinger | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Caritas in Veritate is the most shining part of the Magisterium in a long time, as well as one of the nicest parts of Marxism.  Those cultural warriors who thought that John Paul II defeated Communism, rather than Communism defeating itself by letting in a little freedom and not expecting it to grow must have their shorts in quite the bunch over the last two Popes.  No wonder they are eager to pick fights with Obama over decisions on contraception made in the Clinton Administration and not overturned by Bush II.

Magister & Imbelli on Pope Francis | National Catholic Reporter

Magister & Imbelli on Pope Francis | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The Cnurch was in need of a bit of Ignatian spirituality - which focuses on trusting God and not ones own hubris - which it is designed to break apart.  A lot of bishops are going to have some difficulty with this thinking and caring Pope.  Indeed, in papal tradition, what the Magisterium means will change - but in such a way that no change is admitted.  Who says the pope does not know Vatican politics?

The whole idea of the Vatican's special understanding of natural law is relativism at its utmost. Let us hope the joke is not lost on this Pope as it was on his predecessor.

Raising the Curtain for the USCCB Plenary | National Catholic Reporter

Raising the Curtain for the USCCB Plenary | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The bishops were badly staffed in getting into this fight in the first place, as birth control has been required in policies with preventatives services since 2000.  Indeed, even before it was required, many Catholic organizations had policies which did not exclude it BECAUSE the cared about the frreedom of concience of their staffs.  That is where it resides, not with the bishops, who are, by the way, wrong on contraception anyway.  The reason to oppose it is not because a life is ended, since life does not begin meaningfully until gastrulation.  The reason to oppose it is because it is a cop out to workers demanding more pay for larger families.  That is the sin and the Church is no less guilty of that sin than any other employer.  Indeed, they are more guilty because they know better and do not do better.  If the Church has a conscience, it needs to take it to confession on how it treats its employees.  As for Obama, it was Valerie Jarrett who set Dolan up, not Obama.  Indeed, she set Obama up as well (and Sebelius).  She won't be punished, because the whole culture war thing has benefited the Democrats much more than it has benefited the Church.  The election in Virginia should be proof of that enough.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

If Only Obama Had Listened | National Catholic Reporter

If Only Obama Had Listened | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: There is actually a vacancy at the top of the CIO office at CMS.  The chief technology officer position is vacant.  Whether that vacancy ocurred before or after the current debacle is hard to say, as no one was looking before things went south.  Still, it is the contracting approach that was faulty, which is a whole different department.  The work never should have been spread out.  It should frankly have been given to IBM without bidding - even though such things are usually frowned upon.  It would have taken huge stones to do this, but such things are lacking - which is really why this was doomed (and why no one stopped the October rollout).

Barton for Senate? | National Catholic Reporter

Barton for Senate? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: A sitting Senator is not that easy to beat, but it can be done by the Tea Party.  Of course, doing so might mean a Democrat in the Senate from Texas.  What is not to like about that?

Election Day | National Catholic Reporter

Election Day | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: It was not his actions on climate change that will likely cost Cuccinelli the election, but his heavy handed success in forcing the Board of Health to pass the same kind of abortion clinic restrictions recently overturned by a Federal judge in Texas as violating the undue burden test in Casey v. Planned Parenthood.  His actions were designed to start a court fight - but he is not a good enough lawyer to know that he would lose.  He did not exactly go to any Ivy League School, so I am not surprised.  The only way he can win is by voter suppression, which is being tried.

Christie will win NJ because he was what is called Moxie.  He might even win the GOP nomination for President, as he looks good in those states where the GOP does not usually win but where the party establishment is strong.  He does not have to win where the Republicans deliver electoral votes, since those jurisdictions will never elect a Democrat - at least not until demographics destroy the Party.  I am not sure he can stop the Clinton juggernaught, although after reading Game Change I am not sure that stopping it is not a bad idea.  I need to see each candidates tax plan before I decide how to vote (or whether to run myself).

As for the Alabama race, I could care less.  Either candidate is a bad choice for America and one of them will win the general election.

Gibson on Divorced & Remarried | National Catholic Reporter

Gibson on Divorced & Remarried | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Sadly, marriages really do end, which is why they are before the law as well as the Church - for the purposes of divorce.  Pity the person who marries someone whose parents divorce if theirs did not - it is almost certain their hearts will be broken.  Maybe this is cause for annulment.  Divorce should be accepted and remarriage allowed, however, when there is adultery - with the offended party getting the choice of whether to grant an annullment or not and the offending party never ever being allowed to marry again in the Church.  Victims of domestic violence should also be granted an easy annullment.  The Church should never empower victimizers by giving their victims no choice on staying in the marriage.  Again, if substance abuse is a factor and the victimizer successfully attains recovery, the victim can either consent to an annullment or not - but no victimizer should ever be allowed to marry again in the Church without getting treatment first.

The Politics of Abortion | National Catholic Reporter

The Politics of Abortion | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Most Virginia voters are against the Republican ticket in Virginia precisely for its pro-life views.  Not the ones they state, but the actions they took while in power - including those - such as threatening the Board of Health when they objected to acting unconstitutionally - with the abuse of power.  There is no small government conservatism there.  Now, of course, Cuccinelli is trying to turn the election into a referrendum on Obamacare.  I hope enough of Obama's base voters hear this attempt - and turn out in support of the President - not on abortion - but on healthcare for all (which will likely reduce abortion by making raising children more affordable).  As for 2012, Romeny would have lost worse had he been muscularly pro-life - because he had previously been muscularly pro-choice.  Its on tape.  The entire pro-life movement really is all about Republican electoral politics.  Ignoring that fact makes one a pawn of very evil people who use the tragedy of abortion to get rich.  Sadly, some of the bishops have cooperated with this fraud and for it are guilty of sin.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Rand Paul Plagiarizing | National Catholic Reporter

Rand Paul Plagiarizing | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: These guys do not write their own speeches.  They may set out ideas, but staff does this work.  True believers don't care about whether they do something wrong - as long as they make their point.

Clark on Fighting Back for Women and Girls | National Catholic Reporter

Clark on Fighting Back for Women and Girls | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Sadly, Catholic High Schools and Colleges do not want to face the liability of taking greater responsiblity for not controlling these acts at or after school functions.  I am sure the lawyers are partially at fault, but the big sin is moral cowardice.

Consulting the Laity for the Synod | National Catholic Reporter

Consulting the Laity for the Synod | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I can see why the USCCB did not want the laity invovled in the parishes.  They don't want Rome to know that truth about how much Humanae Vitae is ignored here.  There are quite a few teachings where OUR natural law reasoning differes from that done by Rome.  In most cases, OUR reasoning is correct.  If Rome only realizes that natural law means that every person can weigh the evidence for themselves, it will not be a wasted excercise - which is why the USCCB fears this most of all, as so some in the Holy See I am sure.  The most famous time the laity was asked its opinion on sexuality and family life, it was a disaster, with Rome ignoring all their input and muscling its way into what was essentially a defense of papal power.

From Limburg to North Carolina | National Catholic Reporter

From Limburg to North Carolina | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I am sure there was not mortgage in either case.  This was likely a cash transaction.  Sadly, because of the prosperity Gospel, his evangelical donors likely think they are buying economic Heaven on earth by giving this charlitan money.  Call it Christianity as a Ponzi scheme.

Me? A Dissident? | National Catholic Reporter

Me? A Dissident? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: MSW is no dissident.  I am a dissident and I've never seen him at the meetings.  As for Gloria TV, that kind of fringe always pops up when it feels it is at odds with the Pope.

Thoughts on Cardinal Oscar's Talk | National Catholic Reporter

Thoughts on Cardinal Oscar's Talk | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Cardinal Oscar's comments sound like liberation theology - or at least libertarian socialism (aka mutualism).  Both Francis and Benedict would be comfortable with these.  George Weigel and Pope John Paul II, not so much.  Burke and Chaput, probably not at all!  As for Acton, I could care less how they react.  They are only important in their own eyes (although they should change their name, as Lord Acton, the enemy of papal infallibility, would hardly approve - nor would Susan B. Anthony approve of how her name is used by the fund that bears it).  As for MSW - try to keep Oscar's comments in mind when deciding whether to defend the bishops' misguided efforts at religious liberty for themselves alone.

Cooperation & Dialogue | National Catholic Reporter

Cooperation & Dialogue | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Protestantism does not deny apostolic succession - just their exclusion from it.  As for the Eucharist, there really are "True Pressence" sects within Protestantism.  They also ordain and marry and all baptize and many have a sacrament like to confirmation or something else having to do with the Holy Spirit.  Confession and Extreme Unction are the main difference - and the Anglicans practice both.  I am more concerned with the stubborn refusal to recognize Constantinople by Rome than the refusal of the Potestant sects to recognize Rome.  I hope (and suspect) that Francis will change this -which takes away most of the protestant objection to Roman overreach in its desire to be the one source of truth (which is God, not any Church).

Ethiopian archbishop: Vatican should be credible moral source in the world | National Catholic Reporter

Ethiopian archbishop: Vatican should be credible moral source in the world | National Catholic Reporter  MGB: The best thing that Rome and Canterbury could do in Africa is apologize for the recent colonial past and turn both the Anglican and Catholic Churches there over to the Copts, who traditionally had the right to head the Church in all of Africa.  (that would also get the right wing Anglicans out of the hair of those from Canterbury who want progress on female and gay clergy).

Pope Francis and the Jews | National Catholic Reporter

Pope Francis and the Jews | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: About a great friendship and the ability of non-academics to do theology.  Interestingly enough, they did not seem to state that one must be a cleric if not a theologian.

2013 American Values Survey: Libertarians | National Catholic Reporter

2013 American Values Survey: Libertarians | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Are you familiar with the Ryan chart?  It looks at the dicotomy between relgion and authority on both economic and social grounds.  There are pure libertarians, there are conservative economic libertarian/social authoritarians and liberal economic authoritarians/social libertarians, as well as totalitarians who insist on authority in both economic and social spheres (say, the slave power in the antebellum and segregationist South).  Also, interestingly enough, there ARE religious libertarians - indeed, some of us are libertarian regarding our religion.  Indeed, we wonder why everyone is not? Is freedom not God's ultimate gift to man?  Is the hierarchy, especially the Catholic hierarchy, really perfect in its evolution - given that its social structure is best regarded as authoritarian medievalism?  It is not difficult to be both pro-church and enjoy the celebration of the sacraments and pro-gay as well (and a bit ant-clerical).  A simple knowledge of biology would dictate that this is the ONLY sane view.